In all honesty, I have very little of interest to say about the acquisition of Marvel by Disney. Since I don't read anything Marvel produces and have very little interest in their movies or other properties.
That said, I hope this will finally put to rest the tired old canard trotted out by some Marvel zombies that Marvel is somehow more "pure" than DC because it isn't (or rather wasn't) owned by a bigger corporation.
Of course, they'll probably find a way anyway..
Labels: Marvel
I've been catching up on all of your blog posts and I am overwhelmed with the creativity and beauty you bring into my life!

Penelope Cruz in part of an incredible photo shoot by Annie Leibovitz. I will do a post on the entire Film Noir shoot tomorrow...stay tuned!
I don't usually shoot homeless people. I don't find it romantic or appealing like a lot of street photographers, and if you asked homeless people they are probably not to happy about their situation either. That's why I was surprised to be so drawn to taking a picture of this gentleman.
I was being interviewed for an article in British Vogue; and while we walked down Bowery back in April I barely stopped walking when I took the shot. Fiona Golfar, the writer, asked why I took the photo. At that moment I couldn't really explain - but I just had a feeling about the power and grace of how he was sitting there. It wasn't until later that night when I was working on the image that I realized why I had noticed this man.
Usually people in this man's position have given up hope. Maybe this gentleman has too, I don't know, but he hasn't given up his sense of self or his sense of expressing something about himself to the world. In my quick shot I had noticed his pale blue boots, what I hadn't noticed at first were the matching blue socks, blue trimmed gloves, and blue framed glasses. This shot isn't about fashion - but about someone who, while down on his luck, hasn't lost his need to communicate and express himself through style.
Looking at him dressed like this makes me feel that in some way he hasn't given in or given up.
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Labels: Hot Comments
This month Glamour magazine ran this photograph which has created quite a stir here in the US.
It seems women desperately want more images that highlight the variety of beauty that the female form has to offer. If that is true, then this should become one of the biggest selling issues in Conde Nast history.
Actually it just might become the biggest seller. When we wanted to do a post about this Tracy went to three different shops to find the magazine but all three were sold out. We had to scan this from the NY Post.
When I am shooting on the street older women and larger size women often say "no" to my request to shoot them. Actually, much more than any other category of people I shoot. I think they have a real suspicion about how the image will be used. I also think there continues to be a growing disconnect between the fashion community and "average" women in general
However, do you think that this economic crisis has forced the fashion community to open it's eyes a little bit to what the customers want?
Superman's Pal Jimmy Olsen Special #2 is the most important comic you didn't read this week.
That is, of course, assuming you didn't read it. If you did, you know what I'm talking about.
If you read it you know that there were stunning revelations, the return of characters long unseen, references to old series that almost nobody read (I, of course, have the complete run). There's all that and a death on the last page. The death of one of the most important characters in the history of DC Comics.
Of course, I doubt the aforementioned dead person is really dead. You know how these things go. Still, most of my points still stand. There is a lot in SPJOS #2 (quite a mouthful) that sets up even more important things for the future.
If you've been following the current ongoing Superman event and didn't read that comic you need to run to your LCS immediately. Go now. I'll wait.
Labels: Jimmy Olsen, Superman
This is Thursday Night Thinking. And there's something you should really know about Barry Allen:He's not as dignified as you think he is...
Labels: Barry Allen, The Flash, Thursday Night Thinking
I love the bold pattern of his jacket, and he takes it to a whole new level combining it with the small check pattern of his pants.
Short skirts are so hard to wear in a sporty way. I thought this young lady did a great job looking sporty chic on a warm Summer day.
Hey all,
My apologies for not getting a post up last night. Some serious issues have arisen in the world of schooling that needed my attention and it totally slipped my mind. Know, of course, that these aren't the typical things that need attention (like writing a paper or studying for an exam). I wouldn't have allowed those things to interfere.
Hopefully things will get resolved today, but whether they do or not Thursday Night Thinking will appear this evening just as it always does. See you then.
Labels: Off-Topic
It's hot as New York in August here in New York in August. Nobody feels like getting dressed up, or even dressed for that matter. The city is awash in tiny solid color Summer dresses or tees and jean shorts.
To me this shot isn't about if this look is perfect, but about the inspiration of doing a lot with a little. Actually I look at this and think about color mixing. If you kept the shape of all these pieces but each was a different color, or even shades of the same color - with or without the patterns.
Looks like this remind me that in Summer, even though we are working with fewer layers, we can still have fun playing with pattern.
It seems the watches on the guys in Europe (especially the Italians) are getting so big and gaudy that soon they will need two wrists to carry them.
I think that is why I don't wear a watch. With smart phones, iPods, etc. always having a time function it is hard to justify wearing such a ginormous hunk of metal.
However, I have had a growing fascination with small vintage watches. They are sleek, chic and almost hidden. I stopped this gentleman coming out of Starbucks because I thought his watch looked so cool, retro and yet totally modern.
So this question is for the guys - but answered by the ladies. Ladies, are you really attracted to guys with giant watches? Doesn't it feel like a bit of overcompensation? Or does it read like a symbol of success - like a shiny sporty car for your arm (and not much smaller)?
Maybe it is all of the new bike lanes (thanks Mayor Bloomberg), but New Yorkers have fallen in love with their bikes again. What I am proud of is that like any real style capital New Yorkers are doing it their way - sporty, sexy, and built for speed.
Just look at the difference between these New York ladies I shot yesterday and the young ladies Garance shot recently in Amsterdam. I'm not saying one is better than the other, but it is great that something like this can be so reflective of a cultures taste and aesthetics.
Mid weight cottons, rich colors, light layers...it is still the dog days of Summer, but transition is right around the corner.
In writing a paper this evening about the Japanese poet Bashō, I was filled with the urge to write haiku. I decided to choose as my topic tomorrow which is Wednesday that most delectable of days.
sugoi hiirou
the astonishing heroes
they can be found
I'm sure you've all heard that I won't be showing up in the new Azrael series. To top it off, they seem to be leaving my status as far as "alive" or "dead" pretty vague. So I probably won't be in Blackest Night: Batman either.
Know that I've had to consider my various options. After much reflection and prayer to St. Dumas I've decided that my best option is to try and go back to school!
After all, it's worked for the host of this blog as for good old Stephanie Brown as well. If they can pull it off, so can I!
Currently I've got a semester at Gotham U. as a Computer Science major under my belt. I've got a few introductory computer classes taken care of and I think I did my Earth Science gen ed. I've still got to deal with the PHIL480 requirement, but I think I can pull it off.
I don't know if I want to go back for computers, though. It's awfully hard to type with these three-fingered gauntlets. I'm thinking maybe... Religious Studies?
Labels: Azrael
So. I think I've figured out what the hell is going on in the Superman books right now.
Rather, I figured it out quite a while ago and now I'm going to share it with you in case anybody out there is still confused.
Here's the deal: as we all know General Lane (wasn't he of considerably lower rank before) faked his death. He did this to get involved with the ridiculously named "Project 7734." Now maybe he started it and maybe he didn't. That doesn't matter.
What does matter is that somebody in the United States government (and specifically the military) managed to gain access to the Multiverse. In the process they undoubtedly came upon the drifting, comatose Captain Atom in the Bleed which separates the universes (as you may recall, we last saw Captain Atom a Monarch during Countdown).
Project 7734 accessed multiple worlds, mostly magical in nature. Remember the satellite "doors" that blasted Superman and Krypto during Robinson's initial Atlas arc? Those were obviously gateways to various magical worlds. Why else would they be called doors?
Speaking of Atlas, Lane and the rest got him from one of the other Multiversal worlds. He's working with them now for his own purposes, possibly to get home or find a new world to conquer.
Where do the mysterious tattoo-faced sorceress and the thuggish green monsters come in? Simple: Project 7734 eventually came upon a world where the established government and military were having troubles with uprisings. Problem was, their world was magic-based and they needed something with raw power. Convenient, considering in our world General Lane and Project 7734 were up against raw power (Kryptonians) and needed some magic to fight them.
And so, as nations have many times done a swap was agreed to. Mirabi (the above mentioned sorceress and apparently a princess of her world) was loaned out to the U. S. Military to deal with the Kryptonians. And Project 7734 was more than happy to loan a brainwashed Captain Atom (how much more powerful can you get?) to Mirabi's people.
That, of course, leads up to where we are now. We've got dangerous military organizations on both sides of the Bleed. On our side, Superman is going to have to clean things up. And it looks like Captain Atom is going to take point (having divested himself of mental control) on the other side.
Should be fun all around.
Labels: Captain Atom, New Krypton, Superman
How do they do it?
Without fail, no matter the miserable weather outside, September fashion magazines make me start dreaming of flannels and cashmere.
I guess I am partly to blame. I took this photo of a Cucinelli suit in Milan recently, for the September issue of GQ, and have been thinking about it ever since. Shame on me.
We return once again to Thursday Night Thinking! In doing so, we also return to one of the most prolific thinkers of the current comic era: Mon-El.Personally, I think you should keep shooting heat vision into the flying Nazi.
Just a thought.
Labels: Mon-El, Superman, Thursday Night Thinking
Bonjour My Dear Friends! I have been absent for so long and I miss you! Life has been a bit of whirlwind lately. Life made me prioritize my responsibilities and blogging had to take a back seat. However, I'm back!!!! I've missed you dearly and I've missed posting so much. I realize it is so therapeutic for me. I can't wait to catch up with all of you. I've been incognito reading your glorious posts and trying to stay up to date. So as I try to catch up I will leave you with some of the things I'm loving right now....
I am obsessing over anything apothecary right now! I love it all and I think I need to start collecting some beautiful vintage apothecary jars. I love the above image. It's just the inspiration I need :)

I am on the hunt for a beautiful antique Absinthe Fountain. Ever since seeing a post that Lisa from Lisa Golightly's blog with her Absinthe fountain in her bathroom, I can't stop thinking of finding one. Incidentally Lisa has the most incredible items on her website Lisa Golightly. Her creations are spun from wishes and dreams!!!

I found a gorgeous Victorian Beaver Top Hat at the flea market with the original leather case and I adore it.

Mary Poppins!!!! We are going to see the musical in November and I can't wait!!! I think I'll pop in the DVD tomorrow night and enjoy a bit of nostalgia from my childhood. My Mom and I used to love watching this movie together. Great memories.

I am still really into the vintage circus theme and I'm thinking that my son's birthday party needs to be this theme. If you have any idea or suggestions I would love to hear them!

I ADORE military and band Shako right now. The pomp, the feathers, the decorations! I'm in heaven!
Labels: Antiques, Costume, Decor, Flea market, France, French, history, Madame du Barry, Marie Antoinette, Paris, Versailles, Vintage