MBM album cover

MBM singles covers



What would you do if you found a copy of Action Comics #1 or one of those other rare comics?

If you found it in a box in your attic or in a box at a rummage sale. If you owned a copy what would you do? I like to tell myself that I'd turn around right away and sell it. After all, a million bucks can make a huge difference in a person's life.

But then, it's Action Comics #1. So there's that to consider. I wish I could simply say that I would do the smart thing. But would that be the right thing? I don't know.

Logic says you sell it. But there would still be that little voice inside that says "keep it." Am I the only one who hears that voice?

I love the look of this scarf knot and how the lines of the pattern emphasize the intricate technique.

Instead of describing how he did this knot...video!

Thursday Night Thinking returns with another classic thought from DC's Silver Age!

Wait, what?

Well, there's one issue of Blackest Night left. Then I'll be able to stop talking about it... Until the next big story comes along.

Anyway, I don't want to give too much away as some of you may not have read Blackest Night #7. I'll probably talk more about it on Friday, but I just want to hit of a few of the beats that I really enjoyed.

First of all, I think Lex Luthor got one of the best lines in the comic. "What I really want... Is to be Superman." does a pretty good job of encapsulating who Lex Luthor is and what drives him -- even though he doesn't want to admit it to anyone.

Secondly, there's Atrocitus. Atrocitus is, I think, one of the most interesting of all the Corps leaders. He's not simply a mindless brute. He's not a simple "bad guy" either. I really think that Atrocitus -- as Saint Walker hints -- is a deeper character than we've been led to believe. I hope we'll be seeing more of that during the Brightest Day.

Finally, I think it's safe to say that most people got that final page at least partly right. But as far as I can tell very few people accurately guessed who would wear that ring. I know I didn't...

Retailers must be drooling over Reed Krakoffs debut collection.

To have a new collection (press!), designed by an already proven (commercially successful!) designer* and backed by a large commercially successful mega-brand (confidence) to offer their customers next Fall.

Yes, retailers will be happy to buy into Mr. Krakoffs inspired design but they will be even more thrilled to buy into a "new" collection that they believe will be able to deliver on time, not struggle with sizing and fit issues for the first few seasons and be there at the end of the season if things don't work out as planned. Unless the prices are through the roof retailers will be buying into the whole package. Confidence is something retailers have not been able to buy much of lately.

Designer, Reed Krakoff, is in a very enviable position right now.

Mr. Krakoff hit that sweet spot of design that is just aspirational enough while still being something that you can imagine in your everyday life. Sometimes creating desire can be so simple....just give us what we want, just slightly better than we could have imagined ourself. That is what this collection seems like to me.

*Mr. Krakoff ,for those of you that don't know, is the man behind the turn around of Coach.

I just love the kooky combination of the scarf and the clown bag.

I'm going to come right out and say it: this preview for tomorrow's issue of Justice Society of America leaves a baaad feeling in the pit of my stomach.

Now I know that this "twenty years later" future will never come to pass. Stuff like that doesn't happen in comics and especially not in the DC Universe. But there mere hint of it. The mere possibility gets me shaking with fear. It's not the idea that Neo-Nazis have turned America into some sort of twisted "Fatherland." It's not even the idea that the Nazis won.

No, the thing that makes me really uneasy is that Michael Holt -- Mr. Terrific -- seems to have given up. Michael Holt gave up once. After the death of his wife he nearly committed suicide. But he found a greater purpose. And in doing so one of the smartest men in the world became one of the world's greatest super-heroes.

But would he give up again? Could something so terrible happen that it might make him lose all hope and beg for the end? Beg to forget? The very thought of it sends chills down my spine.

Perhaps that is the key. After all, if such a characterization of Mr. Terrific seems so off to me, maybe that's because it is off. Perhaps this little preview of a "future" is the surest sign yet that it will never come to pass.

Bonjour!!! I know I just did a post featuring this amazing new blog Bardot in Blue but you have to check out this post on the Alice in Wonderland (one of my favorites) inspired windows in Paris. Be careful, you will fall down a rabbit hole in her blog to a place of wonder, enchantment, and beauty....

Size: 138 acres

Location: Between the Los Angeles Basin and the San Fernando Valley See map

Recreation Value: bordered by Griffith Park and frequented by hikers and other lovers of sweeping LA basin views.

Habitat Value: rare ecosystem, home to butterflies, the coast horned lizard, and the Plummer's mariposa lily.

Best-known human feature: The Hollywood Sign

That Cahuenga Peak has remained undeveloped to this day is a lucky result of Howard Hughes' difficulty with women. A remnant open space in a spreading sea of development, the peak had already become famous as a backdrop for the Hollywood Sign when the famed industrialist, aviator, and film producer bought it in 1940. Hughes planned to build a mansion for his girlfriend, famed film star Ginger Rogers, whom he intended to marry.

But the relationship failed before the house got built. The reason for the breakup was Hughes’s indiscreet infidelity. Rogers dumped Hughes as he lay in a hospital bed after a serious car crash. She returned all of his gifts of jewelry in a basket before hurling her emerald engagement ring at him.

Huges died in 1976, and the land remained in his estate for another 20 years. In all that time--sixty years total-- hikers drifted over from Griffith Park, butterflies bred in the chamise, and lizards scuttled beneath the chaparral. The city expanded to the edge of the peak, making it even more valuable as a rare close-to-home open space. And the Hollywood Sign and its undeveloped backdrop became a symbol of fame, fortune, and infinite opportunity--the Hollywood Dream.

In 2002, the Hughes estate put 138-acre Cahuenga Peak on the market, presenting a rare opportunity to protect a large, iconic open space in the heart of the nation's most densely settled region. The City of Los Angeles hoped to purchase the land as a natural extension of Griffith Park. But at the height of the real estate market, fundraising fell short, and a development group from Chicago scooped up the property and secured rights to build several estates along the ridgeline.

With the land subdivided, it was again listed for sale in 2008 for $22 million--and once again it seemed that there might be a chance to protect it. In April 2009, The Trust for Public Land secured a one-year option to purchase the property with the hopes of preserving it for generations to come. And because of the falling real estate market, this second chance comes at a very reasonable price of $12.5 million, a little more than half of what the land was listed for in 2008.

Visit back tomorrow for a fun post about the history of the sign and some amazing pics. Thank you!

For more information about the campaign and how to help, please visit SaveHollywoodland.org 

This is the listing for the property, pretty incredible.

Reblogged Via SaveHollywoodLand.org

After a week of solid announcements all the Source seems to be feeding us these days is previews. That's okay, though. Previews can be useful. Like when a comic blogger who should be rested from the weekend is actually exhausted after Monday and doesn't know what to write about. So he writes about previews.

Two preview were released today: Cry for Justice #7 and Superman #697. Both of these books are written by James Robinson and make for an interesting dichotomy.

Take Cry for Justice. The comic has turned out to be an interesting beast. I'm not really sure what to think of it. It's been violent and bloody, sometimes weird, and other times stiff. Sadly, the one thing I don't think I can say about it is that it's good.

Cry for Justice may not be bad, but that doesn't necessarily mean that it's good. Apparently for our final issue Star City suffers a big disaster. Hey, does anybody remember the whole "One Year Later" thing? Do you remember what happened to Star City right before that? Yeah, Star City suffered a big disaster. Then Green Arrow was elected mayor. I don't think Cry for Justice is going to end like that.

Superman is almost exactly the opposite of Cry for Justice. Superman may not be in between the pages, but the book is a rock solid super-hero tale. As far as I'm concerned James Robinson's work with Mon-El has been more than good... It's been great.

Now we're starting to see some of the seeds from Robinson's early days on Superman bear fruit. The secret Legionnaires are showing up. General Lane is clearly ready to start something. And Mon-El still doesn't seem to know where he really belongs.

Both books come out this week and we should get some sort of resolution. What won't be resolved is how one man can be so inconsistent when it comes to his comic stories...

Bonjour Mes Amis!

What a whirlwind month it has been and it shows no sign of slowing down soon. I have so many ideas and so many new things I would like to add to the blog and share with you, so many ideas and so little time. 

As I have been gathering my thoughts and visiting your amazing blogs for inspiration and motivation I have run into so many new and amazing sites. I just wanted to share some of them here with you today. Just when I think I couldn't possibly see anymore beauty or new discoveries, I do! Isn't that a wonderful thought? Beauty is never ending and bountiful, it's literally behind every corner.  Enjoy!

I am loving Bardot in Blue this blog is a dream! A decadent site about a girl from California living in Paris. She is truly chic and her style is flawless.

A peek into her apartment will capture your Paris loving heart. Her endless soirees and stunning photography will leave you inspired and ready to sell your belonging and move to Paris! Just gorgeous!!!!

Mahogany Maddison is my new favorite addiction. I am loving this blog! The author Ebony is amazing! She is writing two books, writing two blogs, managing two facebook pages, running a cupcake business and opening a Shabby Chic pop-up shop! Whew, that's a lot of work. Her site is fun, flirty, and fabulous!!! Just be careful if you visit her other blog Mrs. Robinson's Cupcakes you might gain ten pounds looking at her divine confections! Yummy!

Cashon & Co is an amazing blog and website. I love everything about this gorgeous blog. It is inspiring, thought provoking, beautiful, and uplifting. 

I'm obsessed with this post in particular.  I can't wait to read all of the posts I'm behind on. Everytime I log on I always leave with something unexpected and beautiful. She also has a design firm and the website is exquisite.

I'll leave you with these words from her blog. I read this from her sidebar with every visit,

Life isn't fair, but it's still good.

Your job won't take care of you when you are sick; your friends and parents will: stay in touch.

You don't have to win every argument; agree to disagree.

Make peace with your past so it won't screw up the present.

Don't compare your life to others; you have no idea what their journey is all about.

Over prepare, and then go with the flow.

Be eccentric now, don't wait for old age to wear purple.

Frame every so-called disaster with these words: "In five years, will this matter?"

What other people think of you is none of your business.

Your children only get one childhood.

If we threw our problems in a pile and saw everyone else's, we'd grab ours back.

Envy is a waste of time. You already have all you need.

No matter how you feel, get up, dress up and show up.

Life isn't tied with a bow, but it's still a gift.

Regina Brett, 90 years old