OK - this wasn't what I intended to write about today.

My plan was to discuss sexuality. Specifically between different species. I've got a theory that people could be "straight" with with species X and "gay/lesbian" with species Y. Also, I was going to talk about why we continue to insist that life elsewhere evolved male/female sex like us as opposed to another mode of reproduction.

Well, FFF drunk drove into Sesame Street and a whole lot of folks were run-over/lobotomized by thoughts of Elmo and his sugar coated sperm.

True to my word I offer you an anti-FFF in every sense of the word. It's totally, 100% unlike almost everything I am known to do. A few of my (shocked) readers, traumatized by years of regular shock-author output, are convinced there's a secret sick and twisted message to be found beneath the surface of this tale. I assure you it is innocent.

It's set in the Inuyasha universe and centers around Sesshoumaru.

Sesshoumaru is Inuyasha's older, full-demon brother. Early in the manga/anime he's depicted as an antagonist to Inuyasha (a role that doesn't change, really...) and a general hater of humans. [Their father was a very powerful demon who gave them swords forged out of his fangs. Inuyasha's sword kills but Sesshoumaru's sword resurrects. Needless to say, he found that unfair.]

Now, after a big fight with Inuyasha, a very seriously injured Sesshoumaru seeks refuge. That's when Rin, an orphaned 7 year old girl, finds him. Despite attempts to scare the girl, she brings food and water, soon he appears to tolerate the child. Once healed he's ready to go without the girl - until a pack of wolves attack her village, hunt her and eat her. He hears her screams but gets there too late. That's when the magic happens - Sesshoumaru returns her to life with the sword.

Cut to chapter ~470 of the manga - a demon attacks and kills Rin and Sesshoumaru is unable to revive her....

I wrote this story when that chapter was released as a part of a contest to pay tribute to Rin. (Little did we know what was going to happen in chapter ~471...which totally negates this story...oh well...)

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