Hello Chickadees. Its Colleen again. But this time with some actual geekery and not just girly stuff. At last, at last its time for episode synopsizing and snark! Chuck Season 4 has begun...
Bad assery AWAITS!
Follow me to learn more!

Anyway, when we last left Chuck, he had, at Ellie's bequest, quit being a spy. And since Team Bartowski managed to take down the ring and also save several government agencies, Beckman agreed. Much partying occurred...and Mr. Bartowski had a parting shot. He gave Chuck instructions on his search for Mrs. Mary Bartowski, Chuck and Ellie's long estranged mother... who apparently is a spy. Anyways, Mr. Bartowski ominously told Chuck that bad people will now be after HIM so he left his spy legacy for Chuck to take over.

Begin Season 4
Flashback to 1994...btw an error there because it shows Chuck as a boy being read to by his mom...and in the season 3 finale we learn that she leaves a couple of days after Chuck breaks her favorite necklace...which was in 1991...CONTINUITY ERROR #1 for Season 4. Anyway, Chuck is being read a story about "the Frost Queen" by him Mom...we don't see her face until she is about to leave Chuck's bedroom, when he says "I love you." And she turns and ITS FUCKING LINDA HAMILTON!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Anyway, Sarah Connor...whoops! sorry wrong Franchise... Mary Bartowski replies "Not as much as I love you..." Awww, And did I mention LINDA HAMILTON!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
SARAH CONNOR!!! Now Chuck's MOM!!!!!!!!!
Present Day: Burbank, CA. We are inside Casa childhood Bartowski, in the subterranean bunker that Mr. Bartowski constructed to hold all of his spy work. Really sweet...check it out...
CHUCK ME, This image was REALLY difficult to find...
Anyway, Chuck tells Morgan about his mission to find his mom. Morgan, being Morgan, immediately agrees to help Chuck with said mission...and to keep it from Sarah, Casey, Awesome (who won't be making an appearance in this episode, sorry), and Ellie. Morgan agrees.

Casa de Bartowski/Walker/Grimes: Chuck has a cute moment with Sarah as she gets ready for a new mission..."Is this the Gun you're looking for?" Chuck comes in with a pistol as if he was holding a pair of shoes or something...gotta love the spy world. Anyway Sarah and Casey are going on a brand spanking new mission. Chuck has a solemn moment as he contemplates that he will no longer be going on missions with Team Bartowski. She and Chuck get all lovey-dovey and Casey comes in to halt that ASAP. 2/3 Team Bartowski leaves. The remaining member and Morgan begin their trek to find Mama Bartowski. And it IS a trek...all over the world costing LOTS of money...and they end up in Los Angeles in a safe house. His mom's safe house...which has been completely emptied out except for a take out Chinese food menu. Remember this detail. They prepare to leave and we pan out to a security camera...which leads to a computer with Mama Bartowski looking at the vid of her son...she gets all mom-like..."oh Chuck..."

And begins the opening credits...DAMN that's a long intro...AND HEY BECKMAN is on the opening credits...ALRIGHT!!!!

Anyway we come back to Chuck walking with Morgan. They are commiserating over the supposed failure and a repo-man come and takes the car. Meanwhile, Casey and Sarah are on top of a roof holding a Russian sounding dude at gunpoint. AND ITS fucking Dolf Logren. Wow serious 80's flashbacks in this series...Anywho, his name is Marco. He takes out a device from a briefcase and activates it...knocking out the power of the surrounding buildings. Its a portable EMP...AWESOME!!!! Marco boasts about them being all trapped there and stuff. Sarah knocks him out. They put the device back in the briefcase. Casey bitches about how much easier missions were with having the intersect around. Awww, he misses Chuck... Oh and he hates breaking into computer systems. Sarah reminds him that Chuck made a promise. They are putting back-packs on. More bad guys come up and tell them to FREEZE. Sarah "By the way, good idea to bring the chutes." Casey "Thank You" and they jump off the skyscraper.

Casa de Chuck's bedroom: Chuck is just in pj bottoms. Morgan comes in and starts taking pictures with Chuck's phone. Apparently, Morgan thinks that Chuck and Sarah should engage in "sexting." Morgan needs a girlfriend...NOW...RIGHT NOW. Anyway Chuck has a bunch of interviews today. They leave and cut to Chuck at his 5th interview and the interviewer seems very interested and Chuck is a bit anxious and we learn why. He goes through what happened on his previous interviews: 1) interviewer falls asleep, 2) interviewer vomits, 3) interviewer has seizure, 4) interviewer leaves. And at this one the interviewer is about to give him a job...and gets a call...then he calls security to take Chuck away... OOOOO-KKKKKKKKK....

Chuck and Morgan are on the bus and Chuck is wondering WTF is going on and what to do. Morgan sees the answer outside...
Cut to BUY MORE!!!! A hottie approaches the two and says that they are taking applications. Chuck is told to go to the store managers office and find out about positions. Manager's seat is turned away from door and Chuck says "I used to work here." And we hear a familiar voice say, as the chair turns around "You still work here." ITS FRIGGIN General BECKMAN!!! "Hello Chuck, Welcome Back."

Castle: Casey and Sarah talk about the newest development. Apparently Beckman is very pleased with the EMP capture and that their next mission is to find the warehouse that built the EMP and blow it up. Sarah bitches about the never ending mission. Casey says that Beckman wants Chuck to flash to find out where it is. And Sarah sees that Chuck is walking through the Buy More with Beckman..."Oh CHUCK!"

"Buy More...OR DIE!" Anyway, Beckman is telling Chuck about the new Buy More being a new CIA/NSA substation...with the ability to patch into any security system and a shiny red button (which I'm sure will be used sometime this season) that will put the nation at DEFCON 1. Sure, why not? Basically, Operation Bartowski did so fucking well, that the President wants him to come back to the spy business. And Beckman basically says You are a spy and won't be able to get another job...she's the one who sabotaged his interviews. Sarah calls and Chuck basically says yeah NOT going to be a spy. She pushes a button and Chuck goes down a chute to Castle. Sarah and Chuck have lovey-dovey moment number two. Sarah bitches about the "Mission that just won't end." Casey grabs Chuck, pushes his face into the EMP (practically) and tells Chuck to flash. Chuck flashes. We find out that the EMP was built in Venezuela at a substation of "Volkoff" Industries...ran by an arms-dealer.
Cute side note: Sarah shows Chuck a picture she got. Morgan sent her a picture of him half naked. Again...Morgan needs a girlfriend.
Anyway, Sarah closes the briefcase and we see the same logo that was on the Chinese menu. Its Volkoff's. Chuck realizes that the Menu might be important...and its in the repossessed car. They go to the impound lot...get to the car...get held at gunpoint by repo-man. They use the maneuver that they used in Tangiers to get out of there. They grab the menu and run. Morgan is looking at the menu with a magnifying glass and tells him that he doesn't recognize some of the items...for instance, Shimira Chicken...which Chuck flashes on and learns that its a navigations system for spy submarines. This is apparently a menu for weapons and other spy gear. He calls up the "restaurant." And makes an appointment to meet at a warehouse in Moscow.

Meanwhile, Casey and Sarah are on a private jet going to Venezuela. Sarah asks Casey if he was ever in a long distance relationship. "No, either I leave...or they die." While Casey is in the bathroom, Sarah starts taking pictures of herself in slutty positions with HER camera phone. Its very cute...AND HOT!!!!!!!
Sarah being cute...and sexy I guess.
Anyway, Casey comes back in and they are gassed. Apparently Volkoff has hijacked their plane...to Moscow. I think we all know what's going to happen next.

Chuck and Morgan arrive at the predetermined location and are waiting at the receptionist desk. Casey and Sarah are at the same location, in a basement, tied up. Marco talks about getting information from them. Morgan and Chuck discuss proper cover stories at the receptionist desk. Marco's minion is admiring Sarah's pictures and then Sarah Kicks him and knocks him out.
Back at the receptionist desk: Chuck flashes on where computer systems would be and they pull a "Tangiers" maneuver to get there. They run, bad guys follow, and they end up in a room with a bunch of computers...and a closet with a briefcase...EMP briefcase.

Anyway, Sarah contacts Chuck...but her sultry picture appears...Morgan is told to deal with Sarah...and begins to "Sext" her while Sarah tries to tell him "I'M CAPTURED AND NEED HELP!!!!!!!!!!!!!" while Chuck searches the computer database for information on his mommy. Its an encrypted file....under the code name Frost (bedtime STORY!!!!) He proceeds to copy the information...very slowly. Anyway, bad guys come back into basement and Sarah texts their location. Morgan finally realizes that Casey and Sarah are there and need help.

Anyway, Marco tells Casey and Sarah that they aren't his true targets. He shows a pictures of agents who got closer to Volkoff Industries than anyone else...its Chuck and Morgan on their various travels. Casey and Sarah pretend not to know them.
Chuck and Morgan are captured by ten of Marco's men. One of them tells Marco that they have the Chuck and Morgan. Morgan asks Chuck how rusty he is with Kung Fu. Chuck says "I haven't used them in months." Over a radio, Sarah tells Chuck to flash. Marco says "kill them." We hear gunfire. Oh no. Sarah starts tearing up...Casey swears to tear Marco's limbs off. And then we hear Chuck saying "you obviously don't know who you are dealing with, since you only sent 10 of your men after me." Casey tells Marco et al to run. They do. Chuck appears behind the last bad guy and karate chops him. They escape.
They all run to the computer system access point. Chuck tells them about his mission to find his mom. Sarah is annoyed that he lied...blah blah blah. Marco says over the intercom that this building is completely automated. And that they will die. Chuck decides to activate the EMP to kill off all potentially lethal systems...unforunately it means losing all the info on his mom. They use guns to light their way and kill bad guys and get the fuck out of their. On a bus, freezing, Chuck wishes Sarah "Happy Anniversary."
Castle: Chuck tells Casey and Sarah everything. They agree to help him. But this means he's back to being a spy...officially. Chuck says he has to tell Ellie...
Casa de Bartowski: Chuck runs into Ellie in the courtyard. He's about to tell her...she thinks he is just telling her that he is back at the Buy More...not knowing that its BUY MORE OR DIE now. And before he can correct her, she tells him that she's pregnant. GO Ellie and Awesome! Chuck decides not to tell her...because she's really happy and mentions the fact that he's "SAFE."
Chuck and Sarah talk about the situation. Sarah tells Chuck she cracked into the mainframe and found out that Mrs. "Frost" Bartowski has been captured. Chuck swears he will find his mom...and eventually tell Ellie.
We are in a warehouse...with Marco et al...and LINDA HAMILTON!!! Marco tells Mama Bartowski that her family is looking for her...but Marco did not tell Volkoff. She says "Good...that's Good." Then kicks Marco's et al asses...and shoots them up...VERY BAD ASS.
Marco is on the ground, injured, and she stands over him with a gun pointed at his head. Marco pleads "please...I have a family." Mama "SO DO I!" BANG...Marco is dead.

End Episode 1. I think Volkoff might be the Big Bad for this season...just a guess.


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