What up?

Been dragging my feet a bit lately, I know. I sell an article to TR and all of a sudden I'm too good for my own dinky little unprofitable blog?

Well, no more!

I promise henceforth to keep providing the same regular, quality content you good people have come to expect from SOHB, regardless of whatever outside success I may achieve.

So, with this in mind, I've got all sorts of nifty little tidbits to share with you, the only people who matter to me in the world!<3

While I'd definitely like more of you to submit your pics of nerds and their nerdstuff, I did receive one very special submission today:

This friends, is the former, pre-DC move desk of none other than Mr. Topless Robot himself--Rob Bricken!

Unfortunately Mr. Bricken had no pictures available that included his likeness, but given the prestige of this entry, I'm willing to make a one-time exception. Here's a few more shots of TR's New York office, and the treasures that adorned it:

Items of interest: Castle Greyskull, Opus

Question: Is the pic next to the cork-board indicative of a love for Bowie? Or vodka? (probably depends on whether or not it's Friday)

In further photographic news: Because one reader submission gallery that everyone ignores just isn't enough(I kid because I love!<3), I'm announcing a new page where I will proudly display photos of victorious TR Contest winners in all their olive-green glory! I invite every reader who has triumphantly acquired him or herself this magnificent symbol of the Geek Elite to send me a pic or two of themselves clad in awesomeness. As always, send your submissions to scooteratreides@gmail.com (same goes for those of you who want to contribute to the nerd stuff gallery, or why not do both! I'd so love you forever!)

We've only got 3 pics so far--two images of sublime gorgeousity(SOHB contributors Colleen and Joltess) and some geek in a ponytail desperately trying to look cool(me)--please help us flesh this thing out.

That should do for tonight--one tiny little thing remaining:

Remember when I posted the pics and video of the Diva I designed for Joltess?

I said that while I actually recorded several videos, I couldn't use them because the computer wouldn't support asf files?

Well, Youtube does. Once I uploaded them to my channel they played fine.

So here's Joltess in her pirate garb approaching the ring--a little belated nod to International Talk Like A Pirate Day(quality is kinda crap I know, my bad)

More to come tomorrow,



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