ok, maybe one gift, one nightmare.

First, I bring you Plinkett's review of Episode III!

Second, I give you my almost 100% finished website (it's missing Thundercats fics, other fics, etc).

Enjoy! and happy 2011 everyone!

 Beautiful Kitties love Christmas

 Beautiful Nurses Pray for the Patient

Nothing says "insanity" like Silver Age Superman comics! This is Thursday Night Thinking!

Here's the thing: during the Silver Age Lois was a terrible person. But that's okay, because Superman was even worse. I imagine this whole sham marriage to "Clark Kent" is just a twisted trick on the part of Superman to teach Lois a valuable lesson.

Such is the Silver Age.


Hello my Children. Colleen here with an actual review! Last night, the Discovery Channel did one of my favorite things in all of the universe: Played a marathon of Mythbusters episodes. During the Duct Tape part 2 episode I, once again, came to this conclusion: I, unabashedly, completely, and utterly love this show. Now I have always loved Mythbusters...it had me at "Am I missing an Eyebrow?" from season 1 back when Adam, rather than Tori, was the one who always got injured. So follow me and read about the wonders that is Mythbusters!

TV generally sucks. Every fucking channel has caught the reality TV bug. Even most actual TV shows suck. There really are only 4 shows I still watch: Chuck, Sanctuary, Doctor Who, and Mythbusters. Mythbusters, I guess, does fall under "reality" tv but it has something other reality shows DON'T have... science. And Explosions. And more importantly, scientific explosions.

So here's a list of why Mythbusters rules over every other show...even Doctor Who:

1. The Hosts: Jamie Hyneman, The coolest, most scarily calm man on the planet, and Adam Savage, Jamie's diametric opposite, the most excitable man on the planet. These two men have, for the past 9 years, proven or debunked any and every urban myth in existence...often more than once! They will compete with each other, argue incessantly, and revel in the other's discomfort! These men might very well be the most perfect men on the planet, with the best jobs! So, of course, they are both married!

2. The Build Team: Kari Byron, the Goddess of Nerdhood, Grant Imahara, he who loves robots a LITTLE too much, and Tori Bellechi, he who is most likely to DIE on the show! These three are basically the "B" team of Mythbusters, but are as well loved as the "A" team! Kari is the perfect woman: Hot, cheerful, and LOVES to build and destroy stuff! Grant might very well be the single most adorable man alive...albeit with a robot-fetish and sometimes even inadvertently gay...see re: flailing arms screaming (girl like) "Not a Crocadile!" And, finally, he who is closest to my clutzy-ass heart, Tori! Ahh Tori, is there anything you WON'T do on this show? This is the man who flipped his bike, broke a swing, confronted bulls, and just generally was the go-to guy for the dangerous parts of the experiments.

3. The awesomest of awesome quotes from this show! Particularly since they aren't scripted!
"Am I missing an Eyebrow?" Adam
"I reject your reality and substitute my own!" Adam
"Jamie wants big boom!" Jamie
"I'm pumping as fast as I can" Grant
"This is beginning to feel like a bad idea." Tori (of course)
"Holy air-cannon, Grant-Man!" Tori
"High explosives and electricity! WHOOOOOOOO!" Kari

4. The explosions. I don't think there needs to be more said than that. When I have had a really fucking bad day, I find that the Mythbusters doing some EPIC explosions will greatly soothe me. I probably should be disturbed by this.

5. And last, but of course, not least, are the myths. They have taken on everything from really fucking old myths like Archimedes's Death-Ray to modern-era myths such as testing how truly versatile duct tape really is...and by the way, its very fucking versatile! They have gone sky-diving, taken on James Bond, Indiana Jones, Super-heroes, and just the plain weird -like will a tongue-ring make you more susceptible to getting hit by lightening? (The answer is no, btw).

I am a devoted fan. And I hope they never run out of myths to test! Goddess bless the Mythbusters!

The 12th Harbin Ice and Snow World trial opened on December 25th. It greeted more than 20,000 visitors on the first day

So I checked out the first issue of David Finch's The Dark Knight today. Mostly it was okay. The art wasn't bad and the story might have potential.

But I still have a serious bone to pick with this comic. Before I get to that, however, let me say something: I'm not opposed to retcons. Some of my favorite comic book stories involve retcons. But there is a time for and a type of retcon that is acceptable. Dark Knight #1 doesn't have that type of retcon.

Let me take you back to a similar retcon. Recall, if you will, Jeph Loeb and Jim Lee's wildly popular run on Batman. Remember when Tommy Elliot showed up? Remember how it was suddenly "revealed" that not only were Tommy and Bruce friends as children but best friends? Remember how Tommy Elliot was given an oversized importance on Bruce Wayne's childhood even though nobody had ever heard of him before?

That's the kind of retcon I'm talking about. That's what we get again in The Dark Knight. The sudden revelation that Bruce Wayne was friends with a girl named "Dawn Golden" as a child. Not only that, but they were best friends. Even more than that she was his first love. Heady stuff, no?

No. This is the bad kind of retcon. There are hundreds of characters in Batman's past that can make for a good story. Hundreds of villains and girlfriends who were throwaways just waiting to be used again. They have histories with Batman already. They don't need to be manufactured.

That is the problem with this sort of retcon. When a character's relationship with another character is important we see it develop and grow over time. Bruce Wayne's relationship with Alfred is important because it has built over time. On the villain side his relationship with Two-Face is the same way.

No more Tommy Elliots. No more Dawn Goldens. They're the wrong kind of retcon.

Ahh, late December. My favorite time of year. Sunny skies and warmth. At least when you live in California. Usually.

I'm afraid that this bout of unexpected rain is partly my fault. You see, I had a party last week and invited some of my villain friends. One thing leads to another and someone is drunk with a weather machine. This is the sort of thing that happens when mad scientists get together.

I'll often hold soirees for the other villains. My place is the nicest and most of the others wouldn't be able to put on a good party even if you threatened them with imminent destruction.

There are some exceptions, of course. Black Manta is an excellent cook, but if you don't like sashimi you won't find much to your liking at one of his get togethers. Dr. Domino usually orders out for his food, but his cocktails are to die for. You haven't lived until you've tasted one of his patented "Cloudburst Formulas."

Of course, there is the other side to the equation. Some of my fellow villains aren't quite so chummy. Lex Luthor can put on an incredible show, he just never invites anyone. He thinks he's better than the rest of us, you see.

Vandal Savage's meals are as undercooked as Black Manta's. And I'm sure they were considerably more intelligent than even the dolphin Manta serves. Don't eat with Vandal Savage.

Of course, none of you will ever be invited to a villain party to begin with. You must be of a very exclusive club to receive such an invite. And even if you did come we'd never hear about it. Because you'd never be heard from again.

Husky is a general term for several breeds of dogs used as sled dogs. Huskies were originally used as sled dogs in northern regions but are now also kept as pets. The word "husky" is a corruption of the derogative term "Eskie", also given to the Esquimaux tribes that came into contact with Europeans who made early expeditions into their lands. The most common huskies are the Siberian Husky and the Alaskan Husky.