I've seen a lot of stupid mistakes in comic book art over the years. From "Luthor" spelled "Luther" to Alan Scott being depicted as right-handed. But this? This, my friends, takes the cake:

That image is from this year's DC Universe Holiday Special. Specifically, the Jonah Hex Hanukkah story. It's a pretty good story all things considered. It includes Jonah Hex doing what he does best while also giving us one of those tantalizing glimpses at what makes Jonah Hex tick.

Anyway, the story gets kicked off when a Jewish father and son are ambushed by bandits on the first night of Hanukkah. Since this is a Jonah Hex story, the father most certainly dies. The image above is from the end of the story where the boy finally gets the chance to bury his father and say proper Jewish rites over the grave.

Think about that for a second. Then look at the picture again. Go ahead, take your time. Then come back. See the problem yet?

Okay, here's the issue: if this is a Hanukkah story where one of the central conceits is that a boy wants to give his father a proper Jewish burial then why in the name of all that's holy is he buried under a freakin' cross?

I have no doubt that this was one of those situations where an artist and writer got their signals crossed. Such things happen. But, you know, this is why they've got editors. So they can edit out these kinds of mistakes.

At least, I assume it's a mistake. As I am not Jewish, I may be missing something of deep significance and have simply made myself look the fool. But I doubt it.

I like the idea of celebrating all faiths and customs more or less equally in these kinds of specials. But in order to do that the people making them need to avoid stupid mistakes like this one. Try harder, everyone. I know you can do it.


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