What's goin' down?

My Zombie List is up on TR. Give it a gander when you can spare a moment.

But right now, I'm honored to present the newest addition to the ranks of Scooter's Divas: longtime TTOS regular Scout!(Topless Roboteers may recognize her as that untypable "9" symbol)

Her Diva is special for two important reasons:

1. She's the first Diva I've made using the new Smackdown vs. Raw 2011.

2. I'm not really one for bragging, but she's not only the newest of Scooter's Divas--she's also Scooter's Girl!<3 (pause for long "awwwwww")

Now before I introduce her, I wanna take a moment to grouse about the new game. When games such as this are updated, why do the designers feel the need to completely revamp the controls? It's essentially the same game--it looks better, and has some more options, but it's still wrestlers wrestling!

You waste hours on a game learning the controls to the point that you can execute the most complex moves blindfolded, and they come out with basically the same game with a new paint job, AND YOU HAVE TO START ALL THE FUCK OVER AGAIN!

Granted, a lot of the controls are the same or similar to the old game, but that only makes it worse--I keep playing as though I know what I'm doing, and for a little while it works...Then all of a sudden, the buttons I'm pressing aren't doing what I've conditioned myself to believe they should do!

Pisses me off--must these people fix what ain't broken?

Ok, back to the show!

Here's my Scout pre-Divolution:

Gotta love a girl with a Power Glove! <3

This time I picked the outfits rather than taking requests--I'll have more pics of this one later, I tried doing this one with pink skin, but it photographed badly. So I'm left with only one serviceable pic after I went back to human skin tones. Ladies and gentlemen: the Succubus!

Next is an old favorite--the cat suit! Unfortunately, all they have is ears, no tails. Feast your eyes:

This one is probably my favorite!

Next is something I came up with pretty much out of the blue--in nerd terms, imagine a cross between Harley Quinn and Zatanna:

sorry about all that glare!

And finally, another classic--the S&M Leather Girl. This one, frankly, disappointed me somewhat. Oh, she looks great, but a lot of the options which would have made this outfit ten times sexier were removed from this version of the game. Oh well.

Scout asked for the eyepatch--no idea why, but I aim to please! :)

And finally, here's her entrance vid. Sound is for shit, so you'll have to crank it up a bit. Eventually I'll have a match vid like I do for the others, I just have to figure out how to make one with the new game.

See ya 'round!

Scoot, Scooter, Scootest!


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