I hate to be the bearer of bad news. I really do. But it's been a long time and I think everyone needs to hear -- and finally accept -- the truth:

We're not going to get Manhunter back.

I know, I know. They said they'd "uncanceled" it. And yes, like many of you Manhunter is still on my pull list at my comic shop back in the States. Grayed out. With the words "(inactive)" behind it.

But I think I've already gone through all the stages of the Kübler-Ross Model. First I denied it... Because after all, they did say it had been uncanceled. Then I raged against DC. If they hadn't canceled it in the first place, this wouldn't be happening. Next, of course, I begged the Phantom Stranger to intervene on my behalf. But he don't fly that way. Then came the crippling depression. No more Manhunter? Why bother living?

By the time I'd pulled myself up off the floor and sobered up I'd reached the final stage: acceptance. I now know that Manhunter isn't coming back. And though it pains me, I'm willing to live with that. I'm not happy that I won't be seeing more of Kate Spencer's adventures. But that's life.

Of course, in the comics there seems to be a sixth stage: resurrection. So who knows? That revolving door has to be good for something.


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