I am troubled by this "Lord" Havok and his "Extremists." Specifically, I am concerned about the man who calls himself "Doctor" Diehard.

Am I to understand that this helmet-wearing charlatan possesses magnetism-related superpowers? That he dares to try to usurp Polaris's rightful position as the multi-verse's preeminent Maestro of Magnetism?

What sort of man is this "Lord" Havok that he allows pale imitations such as Diehard to serve with him? If Havok seeks true magnetic might he could have called me. I am available. I've placed full-page ads in The Daily Planet and The Gotham Gazette. All should now be aware that my villainous mastery of magnetism is only a phone call away.

And yet, I find no takers. Do Havok and his ilk fear me? Surely that is the only explanation. They tremble at the thought of serving with Polaris. For they know that if they stand alongside me, all that they are -- their powers, their intelligence, their virility -- will pale in comparison to the glory of Doctor Polaris.

Know this: I pity the insecurities of these inadequate fools. And Polaris does not pity often. So I suggest they take me upon my offer. Before it is rescinded...


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