I think it's safe to talk about Green Lantern #25 and the aftermath of the Sinestro Corps War. But just in case you've been living under a rock and haven't read it, well... Spoilers ahoy.

Now, I've never been a big fan of Hal Jordan. I think that's been abundantly clear over the past two years. I've made numerous posts denigrating his intelligence and personal grooming habits. Hell, one of my co-bloggers was a member of Hal's rogue's gallery.

But one thing I have always enjoyed is the work of Geoff Johns. Sure, sometimes his stuff is derivative. And a little too enamored with itself. But over all, he manages to put out entertaining superhero stories month after month that genuinely surprise me. And that's what I'm looking for in my comics.

So it should come as no surprise that despite the fact that Green Lantern is largely about Hal Jordan, I enjoyed the heck out of the Sinestro Corps War. It was huge, over the top, and full of pretty pictures.

And dear God, the villains. So many, and so many good ones. Has Sinestro ever seemed as evil as he does now? By giving Hal better villains, Geoff Johns has made him a better superhero.

It's not only that, however. Even though Hal Jordan is still a pompous, preening ass, Geoff Johns has managed to humanize him. He's made me if not like Hal, then at least respect him. And that's better than most of the real-life Hal Jordan's get (and I've know more than my fair share).

What I'm saying is that somehow Geoff Johns has managed to take one of my least favorite characters and make me excited about reading his adventures every month. I want to find out what happens to Hal Jordan. And that's no small feat.


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