I do not like this "Starman" who has joined the Justice Society of America. It is not the fact that he's a superhero. And it's not the fact his mealtime antics make me physically ill (though they do). No, I despise this Starman because he gives the mentally ill a bad name.

As I have both a medical degree and personal experience with mental illness, I believe I am uniquely qualified to address this topic. And allow me to make the following statement: all those "crazy," "wacky" things Starman does? He doesn't do them because he's schizophrenic. He does them because he's an idiot

Oh how the fool grates upon me! His constant yammering. The spitting. His constant antics are an embarrassment. And I can assure you that they have nothing to do with his illness. If he's even sick at all.

Yes, that's right. I'm calling you out, Starman. I think you're faking it -- I think you're doing it all just for the attention. Now, I know my pathetic nephew Damage has legitimate problems (thanks in part to my despicable brother). He is a genuinely troubled young man. You, Starman? You just want people to look at you.


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