Greetings, friends. Welcome to Title Undetermined's Second Annual Blogoversary Spectacular! Not only is this the blog's two year birthday, it's also the 450th post. I can't believe I've kept this up for so long.

I lieu of actual content, I'd like to direct you to some of my favorite posts from the past. Classic Title Undetermined, if you will. I hope y'all enjoy reading this blog as much as we enjoy writing it.

Here's to another year!

Wild Dog Week!

This is... Wild Dog Week!
This is... Wild Dog Week, Day 2!
This is... Wild Dog Week, Day 3!
This is... Wild Dog Week, Day 4!
This is... Wild Dog Week, Day 5!
This is... Wild Dog Week, Day 6!
This is... Wild Dog Week, Day 7!

Azrael's Job Hunt:

Job Hunt: Week 1, Day 1
Job Hunt: Week 1, Day 5
Job Hunt: Week 2, Day 4
Job Hunt: Week 4, Day 1
Comics Burn

The Angry Missives of Doctor Polaris:

I'm Going to Get You
Prepare For My Mighty Sarcasm
I Cannot Abide the Prattling of Fools
I Shall Have My Revenge
I Shall Not Be Denied
The Media

Bonus! Doctor Polaris' firsthand account of his torrid affair with the Emerald Empress!

31st Century Nights


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