I continue to be appalled by the state of editorial control at DC Comics. It seems that far too often continuity errors -- which fly in the face of common decency -- are allowed free reign. It is almost as if these errors are spoiled children, allowed to run free and have their way because their wealthy parents are vacationing in Europe.

This cannot stand! Continuity control is vital to the workings of a shared universe. When such things are allowed to break down chaos ensues. And though I enjoy chaos as much as the next evil genius, I am also a mad scientist. As such, I crave order.

And so, I again offer my services to DC Comics. Every week I spend a large quantity of stolen cash on their books. And every week I spot glaring continuity errors that would slip the gaze of lesser men. For a nominal fee I will bring my keen skills of observation directly to DC, allowing them to avoid the ire of "fan-boys."

You would do well to accept my offer, DiDio. If you do not, the consequences may be dire. And not just for you, but for your precious "multi-verse."


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