This post is not about comics. It has nothing to do with comics. This post is about me.

I don't reveal much about myself here on the blog. I prefer to encourage an air of mystery -- much like the Phantom Stranger. But I'm sure that by now you've all gleaned that I am an English teacher who works in Japan. Before too much longer, that will all change.

Today was the due date for my "re-contracting intention form." I faxed it to my bosses this morning. And I told that that I will not be staying in Japan for a fourth year. Which means in about six months I'll be returning to the United States. Probably for good.

I don't know what I'll be doing there. I know I'll visit a comic shop. And spend some time reacquainting myself with friends and family. But beyond that, I have no idea. In truth, it's a little scary. I'm trading a comfortable job I enjoy for a future that could be anything. But it's time for me to move on.

I've been doing this blog for about two years now. That entire time I've been in Japan. In all honesty, it's been hard writing about American comics in Japan. No local comic book shop gossip. No quarter bins to file through. Which is why you shouldn't be worried that I'll stop. No, I'll keep this going until I die or somebody destroys Earth-Prime.

But I just thought I'd get it out there, the fact that I'm moving into the Great Unknown. But it's not that scary. Hell, I may see some of you there...


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