Well, it seems that Geoff Johns is retelling Hal Jordan's origin. This'll be what, like the fourth time?

That being said, it's probably not a bad idea. As much as I think Hal Jordan is a pompous jackass, I don't think he's the kind of guy to drive drunk. Sure, he's the kind of guy who drives without his seatbelt, but certainly not drunk.

That attempted retcon of Hal Jordan's origin always felt off to me. It was like they were trying to hard to give the man faults. And it's not like they needed to give him extra faults in the first place. The man is vain, clumsy, and a total moron. Aren't those enough flaws for one man?

I imagine Geoff Johns will be further retconning Abin Sur and the "Blackest Knight" prophecy while at the same time adding to the Air Force element of Hal Jordan's backstory.

I'm finding myself strangely intrigued by the possibilities. Don't tell the Doctor.


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