Like nearly thirteen million Americans, I live in Illinois. We the people of the state of Illinois are under siege. We are in the grip of a madman who can only be described as a crazed super-villain. I speak of course of Milorad Blagojevich!

With every passing day Blago reaches new heights of comic book super-villainy. He's like something out of the Golden Age. He defiantly declares that no one can defeat him. He claims schemes are really for the public good. He hides behind innocent civilians who have been mesmerized by his powers. And he keeps running his mouth and quoting British poets.

Like most super-villains Blago started small. He blackmails a major metropolitan newspaper. He holds a children's hospital hostage. Then he moves on to bigger things like scheming to sell a senate seat on his way to the presidency. Like a Golden Age bad guy he delights in his villainy and takes every opportunity to flaunt it in public. And like all super-villains he seems impossible to stop.

Illinois is under siege. We the people cannot last much longer beneath the yoke of this 1940's-style mastermind. We need help. We need a hero.

Save us, Superman!


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