So you may or may not be aware that there has been some "news" in the "real" world. There was an election and then an inauguration and then as I understand it change!

One bit of change is that the Guantanamo Bay detention center in Cuba is being closed. As all things do, this has proceeded to cause some people to "freak out." Among them is House Minority Leader John Boehner. Boehner's brilliant idea is thus: send them to Alcatraz.

Number one: what's Boehner been smoking? Alcatraz has practically been a national monument ever since Nicholas Cage and Sean Connery saved San Francisco from disaster. And secondly: stop stealing ideas from comics!

As you all well know, Alcatraz in the DCU was not long ago converted into a supermax prison for the express purpose of housing super-villains. Which also begs the question of whether or not Boehner thinks Khalid Sheik Mohammed possesses some sort of amazing super-power.

Still, it doesn't really fly. I mean, we've safely contained Charles Manson in a regular prison for quite awhile. And he's got those Doctor Psycho mind-control powers going on...


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