Bonjour my friends! I don't know if I've been cooped up too long (from being sick) or it's been so long since I've been back to France, or what, but I have an overwhelming desire to sell everything we have, pack up the family, and just move to France. I'm not kidding, I am seriously thinking about it! It's always been my dream to live there.
When I was in college, I went to Paris to study for a semester through my school and I fell in love with the people, the culture, the beauty, the way of life. I didn't come home for three years (except for holidays and such). Then, I had to come home for family reasons and had the opportunity to go back 5 years ago with a great job opportunity but my Mother had just passed away and I just couldn't leave my Dad alone. So, now what...I found this great place :) It's only a dream but what a lovely dream!
The floors are spectacular and the walls are amazing!
My mind is racing with all I can do to this room.

Hmmmm, this place reminds me of somewhere else....

Oh! The parties we could have here!

Just imagine the ladies coming down in their ballgowns!

Taking tea with the girls in here...

That's it, I'm officially in love with this jewel!

Just beautiful! Someday, I just know it! For now it's fun to dream :)


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