I haven't been pleased with the way Superman has been acting lately. Yes, he's done some things right (like demanding that Alura hand over the Kryptonian murderers). But he's been far too willing to bend over backwards on behalf of the Kandorians. He's been spending all his time focused on Krypton. He hasn't been paying a whole lot of attention to Earth.

I guess I can understand how he feels somewhat. But I don't think anyone can really understand it in a way that isn't theoretical. None of us have ever been the last of a civilization that suddenly came back from the dead.

But I just don't feel that that really excuses the way he's been acting. He hasn't been much of a leader. He's been flying around telling people what to do. And when they don't do that he tells them again. Superman is smarter than that. At least I thought he was smarter than that.

Thank God Earth's other heroes are picking up the slack. Superman doesn't seem willing to acknowledge what a potential threat the Kandorians are. Someone should be grabbing him and yelling "Think, man! Think!"

I've never been so happy to see Zatanna...


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