Well well well. Look what is upon us. It seems that it's Brightest Day. I don't have a lot of time tonight, so I'm just going to hit my main thoughts on each of the twelve "resurectees."

Aquaman: Aquaman, afraid of the water? I never thought I'd see the day. Aquaman does see a disturbing reflection in the water. I fear that the scars of Blackest Night are not so easily healed...

Professor Zoom: We already know part of Zoom's destiny. That said, I fear there may be more to it if this week's issue of Flash is any indication...

Captain Boomerang: Old Boomer is certainly getting back into the Rogue business. But I wonder whether the other Rogues will welcome him back...

Hawkman and Hawkgirl: What power do those old bones hold? And who has found them? I wouldn't be surprised if it's our old buddy Hath-Set, back again to kill the Hawks...

Maxwell Lord: Here's Max setting things up to erase his memory from, well, everybody. I'm curious to see why those old members of the JLI are unaffected. Perhaps it's by design...

Martian Manhunter: I'm happy to have J'onn back, and even happier to see a smile on his face. It's clear that J'onn would love to get his hands on the White Lantern. I wonder if he'll remain the last of his race for long...

Jade: Jade and Kyle aren't getting back together. That much is clear. They are going their separate ways and I think that's for the best. She always seemed to be in his shadow when they were a couple. Perhaps now she can shine her own light...

Ronnie Raymond: I hate Ronnie Raymond. This version of him is every guy I ever hated back in college. Jason, conversely, seems a lot more like me. I wonder if they'll be able to keep from killing each other...

Osiris: I think Deadman is right when he says "some men were better off dead." Maxwell Lord is tricky. The Reverse-Flash is deadly. But I think that of all those brought back Osiris has the potential to be the most dangerous of all...

Hawk: Hawk seems to be going to extremes. But then, that's what the character was created to do, isn't it? There doesn't seem to be much finesse there, but there has to be something else that what seems to be on the surface...

Deadman: Deadman is the keystone. He's at the center of whatever is going on here just like he was at the center of the miracle in Star City. Who is he tasked with helping to live? This is the question at the heart of Brightest Day...


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