Apparently people are complaining about the fact that comics are trending to four dollars apiece. I do not understand this complaint. At all.

Everything gets more expensive. Food, cars, movies, video games. This is just the way things trend. If you don't want to spend four dollars on a comic then, well, that's your choice. But you can't blame the publishers to for raising the prices. They're not trying to make you happy. They're trying to make money. If they calculate things out and figure that the only way they can make a profit/break even is to raise the price of the comics then they'll do that.

Again, if you're not willing to pay that much for a comic then don't. Take your money elsewhere. Buy something else. That is your choice. Screaming about it won't make the prices drop. Nothing will. Penny candy doesn't exist anymore. Neither do ten cent comics. We're all going to have to learn to live with it.


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