This is your fault.
Yes, you: the Internet, everyone on it, and everything it
means/implies /stands for.
As an unhealthy quantity of my already vast amount of free time already is spent posting on other people's blogs, and as, whether I like it or not, this medium has become the preffered method of expression for my Geek brethren, it seemed unavoidable thay eventually I'd be sucked into the Blogoshere, never to return.
So, what can one expect from a visit here? Random musings, attempts at acerbic wit, twelve-cylinder nerdery, fiddling while Rome burns, just plain fiddling, goulash recipes, and full-blown Secular Humanist Propaganda.
I'd like to add that while I spend a great deal of time online, I'm not exactly net-savvy. Sure, I can decipher simple blog-isms (if that's what you call them, if there's a technical name for the love of Robot Ninja Jesus keep it to yourself) like LOL or ROTFL but beyond that, please use whole words and sentences, don't worry, I'm not going anywhere. On a similar note, whoever told a certain number of you that substituting numerals for letters was cool or clever lied. Oh, how they lied.
Yeah, well that's basically it. Don't worry, we'll be enjoying a much deeper treatment of my various enthusiasms, obsessions, and neuroses all too soon. For now, I bid you good evening, and to my fellow posters, remember:


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