Strap yourselves in, 'cause the "adult content" warning is about to become apro-fucking -pos.

Lookit this shit:

Sure, I'm a newb (and I just died inside a little from using that fucking word), but I am in awe at the amount of time, effort, and energy that has been put into proving my beloved WHOSE RESPONSIBLE THIS? is not a "proper" meme. What the FUCK?!? Can't something just be funny for fuck's sake. So this phrase was somewhat self-consciously injected into the lexicon--nobody was forced, coerced, or intimidated into using or promoting the phrase. People used it BECAUSE THEY THOUGHT IT WAS FUNNY! Isn't that enough? But because some dipshit website, in its infinite wisdom, declared that since the phrase didn't arise "organically", whatever the fuck that's supposed to mean, suddenly its not a meme. As if the judgement of these subnormals will somehow magically make people stop using it. I only recently started reading, where I encountered the phrase and read the horrendous fanfic which inspired it. The story is already several months old, as is the whiny little bitchfest on Know Your Meme, and yet hardly a post goes by that a TR fan doesn't reference the purpotedly "improper" or "nonexistent" meme. Way to police the Internet Vocabulary, fucktards!

Why am I so worked up about this admittedly rather petty issue? Because shit like this is the reason people hate Geeks. We even turn our obnoxious obsessiveness on ourselves (alliteration's a bitch). It's socially stigmatizing enough to even know what WHOSE RESPONSIBLE THIS? is/means, but these assholes just had to kick it up a notch.

Ok, the bile is out of my system. I hope whoever it is I called "subnormals" or "fucktards" can take it with a grain of salt. I doubt it, but I can hope. Really all I'm trying to do is show my love and support for TR, who I think got the shit end of the stick when they were accused of "engineering" this meme--nobody blamed Brickhousebunny21, the literary sociopath who is truly "responsible this".  Anyhoo, goodnight folks, keep the faith, TR--AND TO EVERYONE, LIKE WHAT YOU WANT TO LIKE, DON'T LET THE UBERNERD GESTAPO DICTATE YOUR TASTES!


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