If you do not know or have never heard about him, then you must be living in a box or clearly know nothing about fashion. I choose Dennis to be my first interview and blog post, not only because he is my friend and mentor, but because his talent is a great inspiration to his community and those who work closely with him.

Here are a few questions and answers, recorded in my interview with one of South Africa's first black designers and fashion icon.

What inspired you to join the fashion industry?
I always wanted to be designer from an early age and was motivated by my mother, who worked as a fashion buyer in Europe.

In terms of fashion designers both locally and internationally, who inspires you?
Locally: Marrion Fessler, Julian
Internationally: the late Gianni Versace, Valentino, Armani, and Elie Saab

As one of the first black designers in South Africa, what were the challenges you faced?
Back in the day, people did not believe in having tailored or designed clothes to wear to functions, they preferred department stores. So as a designer you really had to prove yourself to people that you can actually do better.

When was your brand established and what motivates you on a daily basis?
I studied fashion from 1993-1995, then studied marketing for a year. Then in 1997 I opened my studio, which is located in Atteridgeville. I am motivated by the diversity of our cultures, nature and travels.

Which places have you recently visited?
New York, Manhattan, Italy and Fashion capitals, the reason being how people interpret fashion and to keep up with the latest trends.

Who have you dressed?
Zulu and Swazi Royal family, generation cast (in house designer), musicians like Malaika, Mafikizolo and international artists like John Legend.

Where have you showcased your work?
South African Fashion week, Cape Town Fashion week, Audi Fashion Week, Giffani Film Festival and Vukaya

How do you give back to your community?
I sponsor school competitions, work with interns and charities

What is your next project and where can people see your work?
South African Fashion week in September, then I will be showcasing in Shangai

“To wake up at dawn with a tranquil mind and give thanks for another day of fulfilling Gods mandate, to smile, work, touch someone’s heart and be at peace with myself, brings so much joy and gratitude to me. Than bling, billboards and soapie life”......Dennis Manthata


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