Well here it is, my first blog. Let's start of with an introduction. My name is Sidney I am married and I have a son from a previous relationship. I work for the largest cable company/ internet provider here in the Netherlands as a dayshift manager. I also read tarot professionally at a new-age shop called Ixani ( Dutch Ixani forum: http://ixani.forum2go.nl/ ).

Other then that I draw/ design tattoos, play a bit of music, write poetry, short stories and song lyrics and consider myself a die hard gamer.

Regarding tarot I am, in comparison, a reasonably down to earth guy. I use tarot as a method to gain other perspectives on things and to help my client gain new insights in a situation. I do not claim to predict the future or contact higher powers, though I must admit I have had some weird experiences. I am convinced that there is more between heaven and earth then most are ready to admit, I just don't claim to know what it is.


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