And now, our voyage into the nightmarish underworld of the fanfic writer continues...

(Example Specimen:

I have come to know this particular species very well as it thrives in the environs of Fan Fiction Friday. It has adapted itself so well to this habitat for two reasons: 1. Rob Bricken is an evil, evil man and 2. Topless Roboteers constantly urge Mr. Bricken to feature the darkest, most repellent, most soul-rendingly horrific works on FFF, and he is more than happy to oblige(see reason #1).

Unlike its cousins, the aforementioned Little Scamp and Shock-Jock, The Nihilist isn't interested in provoking his audience--truth be told, I'm not certain who or what The Nihilist's audience is supposed to be. What I do know is his work is not simply shocking or perverted or disgusting--The Nihilist seems to draw his purpose and inspiration from a deep and powerful hatred of all that is good, pleasant, innocent, and positive in the universe. Destruction of anything that affirms life or gives purpose to existence is his only goal.

Overly dramatic, you say? Pompous hyperbole or histrionics, perhaps? That's what the examples are for--click the link, take a gander at "The Pokemon Story". See if you can come up with any other possible motivation for writing such a thing. In fact, this is definitely a species you need to actually observe in nature to truly appreciate. I cannot do it justice, and to be absolutely honest, I don't really want to know why this creature does what it does.

More later, I need to pace myself when it comes to fanfic.


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