Ain't she pretty?

Y'ever gone to a home improvement type store for some small, inconsequential thing, like to replace the handle on the knife drawer in the kitchen? But you end up finding a handle of a diferent style you like much better, which means you have to replace all of the drawer and cabinet handles, and you find out the new handles don't go with the old cabinet faces so you have to replace those, too--and before you know it a 10 minute Home Depot trip that would've run you about 3 bucks becomes months of expensive remodeling.

That's more or less what happened here.

After battling the horror that was the superfluous comma in the blog title, I started messing around with the template. Honestly, I never really liked the old one--the lighthouse in the corner always made me feel like I should be writing fishing stories or sharing chowder recipes. And since I'm allergic to expending effort and energy on anything useful or constructive, I took a couple hours and retooled the beast. Overall, I think it's a huge improvement, but some sacrifices were necessary--the marvelous "Dummies Protect Marriage" video my Dad sent me a few days ago had to be deleted. It literally no longer fit--it spilled over into the right sidebar.
Now I could've solved this by picking a layout with more post space, but that would mean fewer gadgets--and I love my gadgets! My blog may be a tad cluttered compared to some others I've seen, but it's cluttered with awesomeness!(mental note: "Cluttered With Awesomeness"--potential band name or catch phrase).

Anyhoo, here's a link to the sacrificed Dummies clip,

Enjoy, and hope you like the new digs,


P.S. Don't forget to feed the Evil Zombie Fish before you leave!


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