Hello Children. A very sick Colleen here. This is the last installment of the season recaps. Follow me once more into the world of espionage, danger, betrayal, and nerdery. Chuck season 3!

Last we left, Chuck got an upgrade! He downloaded the Intersect 2.0 that has more than just intelligence. He now is fully equipped with multiple fighting techniques that can get him out of any danger. The problem is Chuck is an emotional being and anxiety or fear totally interferes with this upgrade. So for all intent and purposes, Chuck's Kryptonite is his emotions.

Anyway, six months have gone by and Chuck has been undergoing intensive training to become a full-fledged spy. We also learn that he gave up running away with Sarah to become a spy. Unfortunately, Chuck can't seem to stay calm and collected and has cost the US government a LOT of money. So they fire him. He goes back home and becomes a couch potato addicted to Cheese Doodles. Then he goes back to work at the Buy More and tries to wheedle his way back into Casey and Sarah's good graces. In doing so, they find themselves at odds with the new BIG BAD of the series. The Ring, which is yet another organization that has infiltrated various Government agencies such as the CIA and the NSA. These agencies seriously need to filter their employees better. Anyway, General Beckman decides, very reluctantly, to reinstate Operation Bartowski! YAY!!!

Anyway, while Chuck is trying to get Sarah to stop hating him, a new cock block arrives in the form of Agent Daniel Shaw, played by Brandon Routh, otherwise known as Superman.
Hot but very bland.
The Ring targeted him for DEATH. During a mission, Awesome saves the life of some dictator, and Chuck is there to keep others from killing the Dictator, played by Armand Assante, while Awesome keeps him from dying from poisoning. As a result, the Ring incorrectly assumes that Awesome is the Spy, not Chuck. So the Chick from Law & Order arrives to kidnap and then recruit Awesome. Since the Ring are made up of a bunch of decentralized cells, Team Bartowski decides the best way for Awesome to survive and go back to a normal life is for him to go along with Law & Order chick until they can capture her. This involves Awesome and Chuck to infiltrate what ends up being a CIA base. Law & Order Chick tells Awesome to kill Shaw. Shaw swallows a pill and shoots himself. Awesome revives him. And thus we are introduced to Shaw.
Anyway, Shaw has been leading the investigation into the Ring for the past five years. Hence him being marked for DEATH by the Ring. And so he takes over Operation Bartowski, so they can go after the Ring. Oh and this is going to be important: Shaw had a wife, Evelyn. She was killed. Shaw is not over this. And yes this will be VERY IMPORTANT.

Anyway, Shaw develops an attraction to Sarah. Of course. And Sarah has been watching in something of horror as Chuck becomes more and more a spy...and less the nerd that she fell for. So Shaw kinda sweeps her off her feet. Chuck is not around to see the beginning of this because he found himself a new lady. Hannah, played by that bland chick who plays Lana Lang on Smallville, Kristen Kreuk, becomes part of the Nerd Herd. I miss Anna Wu.
Dammit, she's hot but does she have to invade this series as well?!?
Anyway, the sad part is Morgan develops a crush on Hannah. Morgan also finally realizes that Chuck is acting very WEIRD. As does Ellie. Together they try to find out WTF is going on with Chuck. They see Chuck and Hannah. Ellie is thrilled. Morgan...less so. However this relationship does not last long. During one of Chuck's more entertaining missions, he takes over the identity of an assassin named Rafe. Long story short, his target is Shaw and he is put into a building across from Shaw's place. With the use of Bugs, he listens to a conversation between Shaw and Sarah. He realizes that Shaw is getting his hands on Sarah...oh and her real name is Sam. Anyway, he goes over to "fight" with Shaw and really warn him that HE is Rafe's target. Meanwhile, the real Rafe finally escapes from the CIA and goes after Shaw. He uses Sarah as a shield and is about to kill her when BAM! Casey makes the hit from the other building. Chuck realizes that he still has feelings for Sarah and that his life is really too dangerous to be involved with Hannah. He breaks up with Hannah. Hannah doesn't take this well and calls him "the best liar she has ever seen." Ouch.

Anywho, the result of all this trauma is that Chuck ceases to flash completely for a week. The rest of Operation Bartowski goes on a mission without him, which ends up being a trap for the Ring to take out Castle (the name of the base underneath the Buy More). Interestingly enough, MORGAN follows the operatives and finds Castle. He and Chuck are captured. Under threat of his best buddy being tortured, Chuck admits that he is a CIA operative. By this time, Casey, Sarah, and Shaw realized their error and head back to Castle. The Ring operatives leave Chuck and Morgan alone for a while and then Chuck tells Morgan EVERYTHING. The rest of Team Bartowski can't get into Castle and are preparing to blow it up! But because Chuck finally got all of that off his chest...He flashes and takes out all of the operatives, with a little bit of help from Morgan! So Morgan now knows and is part of Team Bartowski.

And we learn about Casey's true identity. Casey was once a man named Alex Coburn, who was in the military and was desperately in love with his fiance. He is recruited by Robert Patrick! to the CIA. Robert Patrick! ends up working for the Ring and uses Casey to get some pill that will remove all fear from an individual. He threatens to kill Casey's fiance. Casey finally enlists Sarah and Chuck's help to save his old love. Casey and Sarah go after Robert Patrick! and Chuck goes after the fiance. Unfortunately, Ring operatives arrive at the same time. After Casey kills Robert Patrick! (that seems to happen a lot to this guy in series) he and Sarah go to the old flames home. They call Chuck and find out he is panicking so of course the intersect is not working. Casey tells Chuck to take the pill. He does and FLASH: KICK ASS! He has the last dude by the throat and is strangling him when Casey and Sarah walk in. Chuck realizes what he is doing and is horrified. So is Sarah. Casey is discharged from the CIA. He's lucky he wasn't Court Marshalled for treason. Oh and Casey HAS A DAUGHTER, named Alex...AWW!

And at last comes Chuck's "red test". This is the biggest test for a CIA operative. Basically its a kill order. Chuck has to kill a CIA operative who is selling information to the Ring. Sarah is the one ordered to...well, order Chuck to kill the guy. Chuck has yet to kill anybody. But if he doesn't he will never be a spy. So he goes after the guy, tries to give the guy every chance to just willingly give himself up. The guy doesn't. Chuck has the gun on him...the other guy pulls a gun and BAM. Casey, in the shadows, kills the guy. However, Sarah saw only Chuck and the guy and thinks Chuck killed the operative. And this, to her, indicates that Chuck is no longer HER Chuck and lets Shaw seduce her. Sarah tells Shaw about her red test and that it was the worst experience of her life.

Anyway, Casey, Awesome, and Morgan all work together to try to get Chuck and Sarah back together. Meanwhile, the Ring is after Shaw as well. But this time they aren't trying to kill him. While Sarah and Shaw are at dinner, Morgan uses a voice synthesizer to lure Shaw away and Chuck pours his heart out to Sarah...for the first time that episode. Anyway, both Team GET CHUCK HIS GIRL BACK is not the only one following Shaw around the restaurant. A Ring operative pulls a gun on Shaw. But he doesn't fire. Awesome tackles Shaw and they fall through the window of the restaurant and onto Sarah's table.

Anyway, Shaw realizes that the Ring is trying to capture him, not kill him. So he decides the best way to get at the director of the Ring is to give himself up. He tells General Beckman that once he has the location to BLOW IT UP!!! Sarah and Chuck are awed by him being an AMERICAN HERO! Sarah is going to follow Shaw...but Chuck locks her in Castle and goes after Shaw himself. Shaw is captured and a hologram of the Director shows Shaw a video of his wife wishing him a happy birthday...and then the video of her death...AT SARAH'S HANDS!!! Which was Sarah's Red Test! Oh NO!
So Chuck goes in after Shaw, finding him unconscious. Sarah arrives to find Chuck exiting the Ring Compound just as its destroyed! Sarah is all happy. At Castle, Shaw is resting and Chuck again tells Sarah how he feels very sincerely and Sarah is eating it up. He tells her to meet him at Union station so they can run away together.
Sarah is at her place and Casey arrives to tell Sarah that HE killed the operative, not Chuck. Sarah is happy.
Chuck is at Union station and gets a call from Beckman. He finds out that Sarah killed Shaw! OH NO!
Ok this is taking way too long to explain. So shortening BIG TIME.
Shaw is now part of the Ring. Chuck shoots Shaw to save Sarah. Sarah and Chuck are together! YAY! Casey was integral part of getting the Ring director and is reinstated in the NSA! YAY! Morgan is officially part of team Bartowski! YAY
Things go pear shaped, OF Course! The Intersect is frying Chuck's brain! BOO! Shaw is alive! BOO! The Ring uses Ellie to try to get at her and Chuck's dad! BOO! Shaw is TOTALLY trying to destroy the CIA but is really fucking smart so he makes it seem like Team Bartowski are inept and that Chuck is going insane! BOO! Shaw has downloaded the intersect! BOO! Ellie runs into Chuck and finds out he is a spy! Yay?!? Shaw has Team Bartowski & General Beckman arrested! BOO!
Chuck's dad made a watch that has a neural governor to protect the brain against the intersect! YAY! Chuck manages to escape the CIA and get into the Rings main base! YAY! Shaw finds him!
Chuck is about to fight Shaw! YAY! Shaw knows Chuck's Kryptonite though...he shoots Dad Bartowski! TRIPLE BOO!!! Shaw takes the Governor away from Chuck! BOO!!! Chuck, Casey, and Sarah are loaded into a van that will lead them to their deaths! BOOOOOOOOOOO!
Oh but Ellie followed Chuck and Dad and sees Shaw kill him. Ellie, Awesome, and Morgan all tail the van. Ellie in one car and Awesome and Morgan in the other -Casey's Crown Victoria. Ellie has a flashback to the time when she and Chuck are kids and Chuck broke their mom's necklace, which is a pendant with a boy and girl attached...the boy was broken off. And yes I'm telling you this for a reason! REMEMBER THIS! Anyway Awesome and Morgan mess around with things in the Crown Victoria...including enabling a missile! They accidentally blow up the van, but somehow manage to avoid killing Team Bartowski. They all decide to take down the Ring. But Ellie tells Chuck that once that's done he has to stop being a spy. Chuck agrees.
Chuck manages to hack into the CIA prison compounds remote intercom and talks to Beckman. She tells them that the reason she was in LA was to go to the BIG SECRET SPY MEETING. Shaw and the "Five Elders" will be there. Team Bartowski goes and saves the day! YAY! The Elders are captured! YAY! Shaw gets away! BOO! Chuck's mental degradation worsens each time he flashes! BOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!!

Final showdown! Buy More! Chuck is at castle in BAD Shape. But Shaw goes to the Buy More and rigs it with explosives! Sarah goes to stop him and tell him Chuck can't come. But Chuck sees the video of this going down! And like I said: SHOWDOWN!!!! Watch!!!

Anyway, Morgan finds the remote to the explosives...drops it...and well activates the explosives...BUY MORE GO BOOM!!!!!!
Embedding was disabled...I know it looks like JEFFSTER blew up the buy more but its the only video I can find that shows the Buy More's destruction.

Anyway, everyone, including Casey's daughter, are at Chuck's place. Chuck tells Ellie he left the Spy life. And Chuck gets a call...Last will of Steven J. Bartowski: There is a secret base beneath their old house. Chuck goes into it. And is given the task to find his mom... who is a spy. He finds the part of the pendant that was the little boy.

Again Embedding is disabled. Last scene shows the back of a woman being told that they have to move her...she has a charm bracelet on that has the other part of the pendant...CHUCK'S MOM!
End Season 3


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