My Friends,

On October 30th, 2010--at the National Mall in Washington, DC--Jon Stewart of The Daily Show will quietly, rationally, and sensibly make history.

It's called the Rally to Restore Sanity(and the fact that I'm posting this within 20 minutes of seeing it makes it the most timely article in SOHB history, go me!)

I am fucking stoked! Even the fact that it's highly unlikely I'll be able to participate in this personally(unless I have some rich benefactors in my audience who'd pay my way--*hint hint*) doesn't dampen my enthusiasm in the slightest.

Just the knowledge that something like this exists makes me happy. Its the one great untapped reservoir of  political rage in this country: The millions who cry out silently for a modicum of simple logic, basic decorum, and personal responsibility in politics--those who scream to themselves for the irrational, fear-mongering talking heads on both the Right and the Left to just fucking shut up for two minutes and think before they speak.

Why has this group never spoken up before? Well, to paraphrase Mr. Stewart himself: "because you've got shit to do". These aren't the people who make their living pushing their views on the world--they're busy working or looking for jobs or going to school or raising families.

We live in a world dominated by the opinions of those who are paid to have opinions--if they often seem detached from the realities of the world at large it's because that's not where they live. You and I can afford to be wrong--we can discuss the diffferences in our views and come to a reasonable consensus. But when your livelihood is based on telling people what you think--you must always be right, those with different views are not only wrong but dangerously deluded, and you can't concede an inch no matter how sensible it may be to do so.

Now, at long last, we who understand that the world is not black and white--that the choice between candidates or parties isn't a cataclysmic battle between good and evil, that people with opposing political views can not only co-exist peacefully, but be dear friends and even family, will have our turn at bat.

Ok, enough with the Anti-Ranting Rant.

Those of you who follow The Daily Show, and its companion program: The Colbert Report are probably aware that when Stewart announced that he had a big announcement coming(yeah, this was it), Colbert countered that he had an even BIGGER announcement in the works:

Stephen's answer to the Rally To Restore Sanity is his March To Keep Fear Alive, where he promises to fight for the American traditions of fanaticism, extremism, exaggeration of facts and basic reactionary thought.

Colbert understands that Stewart's rally and its slogan: "Take It Down A Notch, America" pose a grave threat to the Nationalistic culture of fear that he works so hard to preserve.

So Colbert planned a rally for the same day and location.

I love Stephen Colbert--I've been watching him since he was a closeted gay high school teacher on Strangers With Candy. He works his satire with such dexterity that even many of his guests seem to wonder whether or not his hyperbole is sincere. His presence will provide the perfect counterpoint.

I'm gonna be watching this one close, and I may have more to add as time goes on. If you're interested in further information, and to sign up for updates, click here and here.




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