Disclaimer: I am very sorry for the length of the post. I haven't figured out how to put the bulk of the article into a link. Well my first, albeit LONG post is on Sanctuary Season 1.

Hello Children! Welcome to the Sanctuary. What's that you ask? Well its this:

Pretty Huh? The sanctuary's purpose is to study, capture, protect, and yes sometimes kill the various species that fall under the category of Abnormals. Members of Sanctuary must also fight the assholes who wish to destroy or control the abnormal population.

Now onto cast of characters:
<!--[if !vml]--><!--[endif]-->This is Helen Magnus. She's played by Amanda Tapping of the Stargate Franchise. She's the leader of the entire Sanctuary network. She was born in the 19th century. For reasons that remain vague, she and four associates, who shall be referred to forthwith as the Five, injected themselves with vampire blood. As a result, she is more or less immortal. Lucky Her. And LUCKY US!
And onto our next lovely lady: Ashley Magnus. Helen's daughter, played by Emilie Ullerup. She's hot and kicks ass. Literally.
Ashley was kept in cryogenic freeze for about a century before Helen decided she should be born. This mostly has to do with her father. Jack the Ripper. More on him later. Her job is to Bag and Tag abnormals. Things don’t end well for her.
Next on the hit parade is Will Zimmerman, played by Robin Dunne. He’s pretty too.
Pardon me as I go into a lust induced fugue state…….….Ok, I’m back. Will Zimmerman is a forensic Psychologist. He has a Sherlock Holmes (who is also in the series, more on that later) ability of seeing tiny details. And he is very pretty. Particularly with no shirt on…
Then there’s one of the abnormals called Big Guy. His species has yet to be specified on the series. Probably big foot. Big Guy is played by Christopher Heyerdahl, of Stargate: Atlantis. He played Todd the Wraith, the only one named by John Sheppard who survives. Anyway, Here’s Big Guy:
Big Guy is the strong and silent type. He has been banished by his people for reasons yet unknown. He is really strong. He might be pretty by his people's standards. And he makes tea.
And last of the main cast is Henry, played by Ryan Robbins. He is the Sanctuary’s IT dept. The entire IT department. He’s also a werewolf.
Werewolf Henry Normal Henry
He is bloody smart. There's no technology he can't figure out. And did I mention he's a werewolf? He takes drugs to keep that part of himself at bay. He's kinda pretty but not my type.
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These are the good guys. And most of them are pretty.
Well in season 1, they spend most of their time seeking out abnormals. This included the Yeti, weird cloaking creatures called Nubbins who cause lust, the three sisters of various Celtic legends, and murderous parasites. The big plot point was dealing with the Cabal: an organization that wants to control all abnormals. They suck.
And dealing with Jack the Ripper. His actual name is John Druitt. He is also played by Christopher Heyerdahl. He is one of the five. He can teleport. He is decidedly not pretty, at least bald. And he’s a murderer.
He’s also Helen’s former fiancé. Bad luck for her, huh? Sometime after injecting the vampire blood, John Druitt went from a kind hearted scientist to…well, Jack the Ripper. We learn why in Season 2. He also has an elongated life span, though not like Helen. Electrocution can control his blood lust…temporarily.
There’s also Nikola Tesla, one of the five, played by Jonathon Young. The injection of vampire blood activated recessive vampire DNA. So he’s a vampire. But he’s still NIKOLA TESLA.
Vampire Tesla Normal Tesla
He can focus electricity through his body in really cool ways. And he has all the strength and speed of a vampire. But these vampires can go in the sun, stakes don’t kill them, and garlic just gives them bad breath. I like Tesla even if he's plain. He’s funny. He’s also a complete self-serving dick.
The next of the five is James Watson. He told Sir Arthur Conan Doyle to make James Watson the assistant. However, he’s actually Sherlock Holmes. He’s played by Peter Wingfield, better known as METHOS!!!! of Highlander: the Series.
He was smart. Vampire blood made him smarter.
He jury-rigged a device that allowed him to survive for 150 years. He’s not immortal. Too bad, he’s pretty.

The last of the five was the Invisible Man. His name was Nigel Griffin. I don't know if he's pretty. He’s never actually seen in the series because he’s dead. However, he has a granddaughter, Clara Griffin. I’ll get to her in a moment.
Anyway, as mentioned earlier, the big bad of season 1 is the Cabal. They have existed for a thousand or so years. Unlike the Sanctuary, the Cabal believes that all abnormals, ALL, should be under their control. Either you are with the Cabal…or you’re dead. Here’s their leader, Dana Whitcomb, played by Lynda Boyd.
She's the Director of Operations and Logistics. I guess she's pretty. I don’t know who HER superiors are, but she is the most senior officer of the Cabal that is shown in the series. She is a cool and commanding presence. She’s also completely believes in the Cabal’s mission. So SHE is the big bad.

Anyway, the climax of the whole ordeal was a rather nasty virus. It was dropped all missile like somewhere in the Yukon. This little virus caused all abnormals in the vicinity to go murderously insane…then die. The Sanctuary got miffed at this. Particularly so because Big Guy is infected with the virus.
They came to realize their best hope for defeating the virus was the untampered vampire blood. That was hidden by Helen’s dad a century ago in the last Vampiric stronghold.
Fuck, I’m gonna have to explain the vampires, aren’t I? Okie-dokie, all the great civilizations of the ancient world were in fact led by the vampires. The Csaesers, the pharaohs, the Phoenicians, etc, they were vampires. Well the mortals got tired of being controlled by these superior beings and fought back…And won. But this caused the Dark Ages. Whoops. The last remaining vampires were somehow sterilized. But the five found untampered vampire blood. As mentioned, they injected themselves with it. Again, their reasoning is a bit foggy. Helen’s Dad, who was the founding father of the Sanctuary, was a bit miffed and decided to hide the rest of it.
And back to the story. In order to collect the remaining vampiric blood, all of the five are necessary. Helen’s Dad made an obstacle course to collect the keys that would unlock the storage unit of the blood. He was determined that only ALL of the five together could get the blood…and NOBODY ELSE! Problem is Nigel Griffin is dead. But he bred. And his daughter bred. And the Invisible trait passed onto Clara Griffin, played by Christine Chatelain. <!--[if !vml]--><!--[endif]-->
The Invisible Chick, she’s kinda hot. A bit whiny though.
So Sherlock Holmes, a, for the moment, sane Jack the Ripper, The Invisible Chick, Helen, and her loyal protégé Will Z. travel to the city. Mr. Tesla wasn’t answering his phone.
Meanwhile, Henry and Ashley decide to infiltrate the Cabal in order to look for an antidote to the crazy virus. They got captured. This does not bode well for team Sanctuary.
So four of the five, and Will are in the city ruins. The Cabal kinda destroyed it. Like I said, you are with the Cabal or you are dead. But they did not find the Underground labyrinth where the last of the Vampire’s knowledge was kept…along with that frelling blood.
Meanwhile, at Cabal central, Henry is being tortured to make him go all Werewolf, and Ashley is being injected with unspecified stuff. And gets snarky with Whitcomb, who gets cryptic and creepy.
Back to the underground, Mr. Tesla makes his entrance. 4/5 argues with 1/5 for a while. After much snark, they realize past issues really don't matter and they go forth with their plans. But not before this entertaining exchange occurs:
Druitt: Tell me, Nicola, if we do succeed, will you actually allow us take it away? We all know you have such wonderful designs for it, an army of newborn vampires being just the start.
Tesla: I may want to see my ancestors reborn but, that can't happen if the abnormals become a global threat to humans. None of us could withstand the chaos that that would bring. Okay? But tell me, John, are the rest of us to trust you once all is said and done? You who once put your own daughter in harm's way for just a drop of Helen's blood? Oh, yes. Having that vial all to yourself would certainly solve your health problems for a long time … wouldn't it?
Invisible Chick: What the hell was that all about?
Will Z: Well, the guy who invented radio just dissed Jack the Ripper.
And they split up to get the keys. Will Z with I.C, Jack the Ripper with Sherlock Holmes, and Vamp Tesla with Helen. They each have to pass obstacles that are specific to their abilities. Helen uses her understanding of her daddy, Tesla has to get electrocuted, Holmes has to solve a riddle, I.C has to get invisible, and Jack has to teleport. They all pass. Of course. And get the blood. Of course. Unfortunately, Sherlock’s weird ass longevity contraption craps out on him. And he dies. But first warns Will that they are missing some clue. Of course.
Casa de Cabal: Henry fights his inner werewolf and escapes. Henry then grabs Ashley. They get cornered. Daddy Ripper teleports to save the day. Everything seems to work out. Helen and Will talk for a bit on the roof of the Sanctuary when Will figures out the missing clue.
Bamph. Ashley teleports. With the blood. To Easter Island. Where Whitcomb is waiting. Fuck.
Sanctuary House: Everyone’s WTF’ing.
Helen: We're too late.
End Season One. Season 2 forthcoming. It will be pretty. Good Night and Good Luck.


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