Well, hello my children, Colleen here. I'm feeling rather bad that other than the season premier, I haven't done a single Chuck episode review. Well, I have had an epic case of bronchitis that makes writing a long article just upsetting to me...that and I don't know if any of you guys actually read my reviews...other than James...so yeah, what the fuck.

Anyway, I'm just gonna give you bloggers who occasionally come over here a quick overview of the Season thus far.

#1: The Buy More...OR DIE!!!!
As I mentioned in the season premier, the Buy More is now a full CIA/NSA substation. At the beginning, our General Beckman, whose very scary, was store manager and all employees were members of the CIA or NSA. Well Morgan & Awesome notice how incredibly efficient the Buy More staff is...and that's problematic for keeping a cover as a store...clerks aren't supposed to be efficient and customer service is supposed to be more akin to customer DIService. So Morgan complains to Beckman, explains the problem...and she promptly makes him Store Manager. So GO MORGAN! Oh and he hires back all the dimwits, including Jeffster and the unnamed bozos of Buy More that we see...but never learn their names. Oh and Big Mike is his Assistant Manager.

#2: Chuck and Sarah are adorable...and still together, amazingly enough. At the moment, Sarah is just trying to get used to being in a rather normal relationship...you know living with the guy you love and all that...and actually having a permanent residence other than some hotel. Seriously, aren't they just fucking adorable???
Anyway, at one point there was the contemplation of marriage...which Sarah says, thinking Chuck is asleep, doesn't seem like such an insane concept for her anymore...AWWW! Oh and we see Chuck is awake and just pretending to sleep...and obviously loving his girl even more.

#3: Casey's daughter, Alex, is popping up in this season. They are getting used to the whole father/daughter thing...oh and she likes Morgan...and Morgan likes her...unfortunately Alex's dad is an NSA FUCKING AGENT AND GIANT SCARY BADASS. So Morgan is very uncertain about how to date the sweet and utterly adorable Alex...without having his head ripped off. Thankfully in this week's episode, Morgan manages to save Operation Bartowski by electrocuting himself...taking out all the bad guys (headed by Eric Roberts, Julia's much, much less famous brother) and Daddy Casey decides there are worse guys to date his little girl... Although he does warn Morgan "You Break her heart, I break your....EVERYTHING." And we KNOW that is not an idle threat.
Morgan has a sweet girlfriend...who has a seriously SCARY DAD!

#4: Ellie is pregnant...she's going to have a little girl. Awesome was getting insane over the whole thing, but manages to calm down. When Chuck tells her about his search for Mom, she is at first very leary...but after going down memory-lane and looking at a bunch of momentos, she decides that she very much wants to know what happened to Mommy Bartowski.
Sarah Lancaster is SERIOUSLY gorgeous.

#5: Last but MOST CERTAINLY NOT LEAST: Chuck's Mom, aka, Agent Frost, aka SARAH CONNOR. Well for all this time Chuck et al. have been trying to track her down. They thought she was imprisoned by Volkoff...well this week they find out from a few of Volkoff's agents that Frost is not a captor...but in fact is Volkoff's right hand gal. The person he chooses to make his problems "disappear." Chuck "Sarah, I'm starting to think that my Mom is one of the BAD GUY'S!" So HOLY CRAP. Either Agent Frost has been seriously double-agenting it up for the good guys...or she is indeed the villain of Season 4. Which would be AWESOME.Double Agent...Or Bad Guy????

So that's about it for the important developments of Season 4. My next article about Chuck is gonna be Chuck & Sarah's most adorable moments thus far of Season 4. And there are many to choose from...

Good Night & Good Luck.

Oh and one last thing...This popped up when I finished writing the review: So...do any of you want to join the CIA? WELL YOU ARE IN LUCK

CIA - Intelligence Degree
Earn an intelligence degree online at American Military University.



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