Well the end of the years is nearing and my goal of world domination is still not completed.... So it is with great disappointment I am announcing that I will be drawing for the giveaway the end of this year... wether there are 30 followers or not...

At this moment Qubert is in first place with the number of entries in the pool.... which isn't a sure win, but he's got the balance in his favor.
I am giving away a new Toth Tarot Deck…

Okay so here it is, the “giveaway”, free stuff for which you have to do very little. Because if you had to do a lot it could hardly be called free now could it? I am doing a giveaway to promote my blog and the shop where I do my tarot reading, workshops and courses. You can earn great prizes...

So what’s the deal?

Since I am doing this giveaway to promote my blog and gain followers, any activity in that direction should be rewarded. So I have come up with this set of activities with which you “earn” a virtual ticket. From these tickets I will draw three names a first, second and third choice will be chosen. The first gets to pick a “prize” first, the second name will be next to pick and the third obviously last.

There is however a catch, I will reward these prizes three days after the number of individual registered followers reaches 30.

So here are the ways to earn “tickets”

- Bringing in a new follower ( off course this new follower has to make this known )
- Every three comments ( because a ticket per comment would be too much work )
- Becoming a follower of me on twitter (http://twitter.com/NocturnalLure )
- Bringing in another follower on twitter ( who makes him or herself known a such )
- Re-tweeting or Re-Sharing my notifications on new blog posts
- Registering and posting on the Ixani forum ( ixani.forum2go.com ) not Dutch speaking? I built this English topic just for you (http://ixani.forum2go.nl/the-all-round-awesome-english-topic-t191.html )

Rules, there are always rules…

- Direct relatives will not be entered into the lottery, off course any promotional work will be appreciated and appropriately rewarded.
- You will have to let me know you will be joining either by commenting on this topic or emailing me at hotmail.com account merlijn_tuttel . Any other method is okay as long as you have received confirmation from me ( facebook, Twitter, PM on Forums etc. ).
- I will so my best to keep up with what you’re doing, but this will be made infinitely more doable when you yourself keep me psoted on your promotional activity. - Only one prize per follower, if the same name is drawn again after allready being drawn for a prize, I will redraw until a new name comes up.

So what am I doing this for? (the pictures on top should kind of have given that away allready)

- I will give away 1 brand new Crowly Toth Tarot deck, designed by the infamous Aleister Crowley ( yes from the Ozzy song ) which is contrary to what you might think of mr. Crowley a very colorful and insightful deck very suitable for both starting and advanced tarot readers.

- A wooden tarot storage box, ideal for keeping your tarot deck protected and readily accessible for use.

- A free online reading, if I can get a grasp on the necessary technology I will even try to do this on video, no promises though.

So there it is, now go and spread the word...

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