
That nifty little sketch was done by Fräulein Fabi, TR poster and Superfriend in absentia(she's the disturbingly attractive automaton in the middle).

Many moons ago, this talented German lass offered her services to the crew here in capturing their personalities as works of art. But real life intervened, as I'm told it tends to, and she's only recently been able to work in earnest on this auspicious project.

As I understand it, Fabi's self-portrait is flanked by a quite literally "foxy" Myriam, and good ol' Abraxas(I shudder to think what exactly's in that so-called laundry bag).

Many more of us are in line to be immortalized by Fabi's hand--I hope to have more pieces like this to share with you folks before too long.

Oh, and Team Scoot has just signed a new rookie--once again plucked from the Bush League that is the Topless Robot comments thread. Everyone: join me in welcoming Boredlizzie!

I know literally nothing of the young lady, so I'll let her introduce herself properly when she sees fit.

Well, that should do it for tonight--readers and comment-surfers should expect a profoundly slow weekend. For it is Halloween, and people with money and social lives will no doubt be having a grand old time.

Ok, so I'm a little bitter--I'm sorry, but this is my favorite holiday, and it pains me to have nothing to do and nowhere to go.

Ah well--enjoy yourselves, ya bastards!

Happy Halloween!

Scoot(trapped in Waukegan)


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