Hey guys

I feel like a jerk because I have been a little neglectful as part of the Super Friends. I'm sure you are all forgiving with how things catch up to you but just like Zortt, I feel like some explanation is deserved!

- I am a MMORPG jerkface. I love them because I get so bored working from home, and I don't go out much because I live in the country. I used to play FFXI, WoW and Aion but quit when all my friends stopped playing and I was tired of soloing like an idiot. My best friend asked me if I wanted to play again, and I decide to give it a whirl again. So... sadly that has been occupying most of my evenings.

- Work is being a pain in the ass. Remember how I told you guys I was collecting all those stupid e-mail addresses for a newsletter campaign? Well now I had to deal with figuring out how to mail merge them, send them out, and then go through every single friggin e-mail to find out which ones went through, which ones didn't, and why they didn't go through. My boss has been riding my ass on this one, and it's frustrating, especially when I'm not even the one sending out the newsletter. At this point it is a waiting game, but I have to make myself look busy during the day when he's around. I've pretty much only visited Topless Robot out of all the websites I used to visit daily.

- The biggest horse show of the year is almost here. We're only taking one pony but because of my mom's insane work schedule, it's up to me to make sure she gets pampered and taken care of like crazy. I've already ahd the farrier out twice to look at her feet, we shipped her two hours away and waited around while she got clipped out, and on top of everything else I do around here chore wise, she gets groomed daily, and has ointments applied to her like crazy. I'm actually supposed to be bathing her 2-3 times a week as well but the weather has been less than inviting. I will probably get on it soon. There have been other things I've been doing towards this show, and it seems like it's taking forever to get here (it's November 12th haha).

- I haven't really been inspired to write anything post wise. Lame, I know. I am thinking about doing a review of a six issue comic series but it is only at issue #4. That probably won't be happening until December, sadly.

- Lastly, HALLOWE'EN! I finally got a party invite, so I've been mucking around with my hair to figure out how exactly I am going to pull it off. Luckily my best friend is doing a trade off with me - I'll do her outrageous Pamela Anderson make up (She's going as knocked up Pam and her boyfriend is going as Kid Rock) in exchange for her to coat my head in hair spray and figure out bumper bangs and victory rolls. I do promise pictures from this, though I don't know if I will be as awesome as Captain Cold there.

So yes, I am still alive, and hopefully popping in more often. Like I said, I feel like a jerk for just kind of vanishing like that after Thanksgiving.

To make it up to you guys, here's a picture from 2004 (I think), of my friend and I going out for the Trent Anthropology Society's screening of Rocky Horror Picture Show.


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