Como Vai?

Once again, a faithful SOHB reader has granted me permission to transform her into a kickass WWE Digital Diva!(mark this day--it's likely the last time you'll see the initials "SOHB" used here)

This one's been a long time in the works. Those of you not amongst the ranks of the Superfriends, or who don't post on Topless Robot, probably don't know our Robbie very well. She is listed under "THOSE RESPONSIBLE" as a contributing author--but she's also a grad student working on her dissertation, and a full-time teacher. Ergo, she hasn't yet been able to share anything with us--we all eagerly await her contribution to my little blog.

So, for those amongst you who haven't had the pleasure--meet Roberta Leopoldino:

She's a very lovely girl--but a bit shy. I was granted the honor of a better picture(which is now my cell phone wallpaper), but I'll respect her modesty(though it baffles me) and stick with this one from her Blogger Profile. I'd rather not make the assumption that the pic I was sent was intended for public display(besides, she's got the same hairdo in this pic as I gave her Diva).

Robbie was technically the very first Superfriend--the first TR poster that I began corresponding with outside of that website, months before my blog became Topless Robot's de facto chat satellite. She was also one of the first people to sign up as a Follower. I don't think there's a single regular who's been with me as long as she has.

As I mentioned, she's a grad student and teacher. She studies English Literature and teaches English as a second language in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil--and works harder than any sane human should.

She is, of course, a Nerd of the highest order--getting to know her has actually made me appreciate being an American Nerd: So many geek essentials we take for granted here are either completely unavailable, or exceedingly rare in Brazil.

Bottom line: She's a brilliant, charming, and beautiful person--and I am a better man for knowing her.

Ok--I've embarrassed her enough: On with the Divolution!

Robbie's Diva is unique. The other two represent my attempt to approximate the requests of my subjects--Coleen and Joltess picked their own costumes, and I did my best to recreate them within the limits of Smackdown Vs. Raw 2010.

In Robbie's case, she granted me leave to choose her costumes--so this is all my creation, both in concept and execution. There is one exception--a Diva can have up to 4 outfits, and I was stumped on the last one. So I put the question to the assembled Superfriends, and dear Myriam made us all look like fools by suggesting the classic Hot Librarian. Everyone chatting that night felt like grade A morons. I mean really--what else do you give an English Lit scholar?

Oh, and for her Diva, I've decided to use the Portuguese diminutive of Roberta: "Beta". Not only have I always liked the sound of it, it also works very well as a Diva name, what with the long and illustrious roster of famous Divas with single names ending in "A": Lita, Layla, Chyna, Natalya, Melina, Maria, etc.

I'll start with the first outfit I made--it's pretty simple, in fact, it wouldn't be out of place at an actual match. All that really sets it apart is the Brazilian color scheme of yellow and green(I'dve put a flag on it--but Brazilian flags were not an available option)

Sorry about the pic quality--wish I didn't have to get these by photographing the TV.

Next is your basic Goth chick ensemble--you could probably find most of the pieces of this outfit at your local Hot Topic.

I had trouble with the third outfit. Robbie's something of an Anime fan, and even though it's not my scene, I live to serve the patrons of my Art.

Originally I made a Japanese schoolgirl-type costume, but it frankly bored me--it's been done to death, even by me on some of my original creations. So instead I went more of the warrior/martial artist route--and I'm rather proud of what I came up with: I call it "The Red Dragon"

This also will be the outfit featured in the video below.

Finally, we have the aforementioned Librarian:

But that's just the entrance attire--who'd want to wrestle in a pleated skirt and blazer? It'd be hot and constrictive, right? Fortunately, she's got this on underneath(and I swear--I was merely thinking of convenience and comfort here, no other considerations whatsoever!  ;) )

Here's Librarian Beta making her way to the ring:

And now, let's all watch as Beta gives one of my earlier creations--evil imp Hellion--an unholy beatdown:

Oh, I almost forgot--one other thing this game allows you to do is create your own custom-made finishing moves, so I made one for Colleen, Joltess, and Robbie(I'll have videos for the other two soon).

Watch as Beta performs The Rio Guillotine on her hapless opponent(about halfway through the clip).

There ya go folks, hoped you enjoyed this as much as I did. :)

Stay tuned for the rechristening of the blog--coming soon!



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