Ah, Lost in Space references.
So, there's been some hullabaloo about where I've been lately.
That's fair. I did vanish without a trace. No goodbye or pissed off rant that caused me to leave in disgust.
Mainly due to school, writers block, a little bout of depression, and I felt that I was overstaying my welcome a little bit (maybe coming off as wanting attention or needy, I tend to overread things when it comes to interpersonal communication.)
So whats been going on with me?
Lets begin with this:Yes friends, I'm masqurading as a villain now.
This is me dressed up as Captain Cold, the Flash villain, at my friend's superhero museum. We did a haunted house this year.
Kids come through and get actually scared by the villains. That fact actually was a complete shock to me, considering I don't think of myself as being frightfully scary. I blame Red Skull.
When kids are scared I spout off some Rogue Union Rules about not hurting kids and women and the parents laugh and tell the kid that it will be ok. The photo is taken by the Superman stuff, which is right next to the Flash stuff. I tell them I'm guarding the Kryptonite and if they get too close I "freeze" them. By freezing, the person pretends like they are frozen and I laugh evilly. Good times, great people, and hell of a lot of fun.
The photo was taken in the black lights, however the flash (HA!) on his camera was quite bright.
I'm actually kind of proud of how the costume went down. Remember my difficulty with the belt? Well I just made one out of cardboard.
Secondly, I had a shift in my life, due to the fact that we shut down the antique store I was running. That was a blessing and a disapointment for me, because now I had more time to study and actually put together a life, instead of always running from one gig to another. I had bigger hopes for that store, but as the old saying goes, "LOCATION, LOCATION, LOCATION!"
I also got back to my gaming roots a little bit, watched some of the new tv shows, eagerly awaiting two weeks for CoCo's return to TV, and I promise to be a better superfriend and show up more often again.
I thought people may have gotten a little bored of the Zortt, so I floated away for a little while.
And for shits, because I haven't done one in a while:
The first time I actually watched this movie was when it randomly showed up on VH1 one Halloween. I want to say I was 12, when I first watched it. I remember coming to school the next day and finding the one other kid who knew what I was talking about (and joining me in impromptu singing of T-T-T-Touch Me for some reason). Other kids had no clue, but we thought we were cool.
My mom walked in on me while I watched it that first time and said, "Well thank god it's on VH1." She ended up staying through part of it, only to get disgusted when Frankenfurter gave a blowie to Brad. "Can't believe I'm watching this with my son!" she said.
The first time I actually finished the movie was at college when I went to one of those shadow theatre things where a group performed the movie infront of the movie. We all threw things and shouted out stuff. Drag queen sat on my lap at one point, he could tell I was nervous when he came around. I had watched the movie all the way through on TV a day before hand so I wasn't dubbed a complete virigin. I think they said I only had a quicky and now its time to savor the sensation. *rolls eyes*
I can remember that first viewing made me decide that Meat Loaf, was pretty much the coolest thing ever. I already knew Tim Curry was cool, considering a few months earlier I found that old Clue movie, which I love and he's great in. Meat Loaf's part and Eddie as a character I always found interesting. He just busts in from the freezer (or in the actual stage musical a Coke machine) sings his song and is brutally murdered. Facinating. My dad and I found an old "Bat Out of Hell" record and we listened to that a lot.
I guess my current viewing was stemmed off the upcoming Glee renditions. Yes, I watch the show only to have flash back to my glee days in high school. We called it choir though. However, in this recent viewings I ended up watching it for the science fiction more than anything.
Science Fiction, Double Feature....
Wait, sorry.
Mind trailed off into song for a moment.
In the end, I like strange musicals. I'm sure Little Shop will show up in time on this blog, and Rocky Horror is just funny. Its campy, over the top, and filled with enough cheeze that you could suck the top and do whippits off of it. Love it, dream it, be it.
I'm here folks. I won't leave you for that long of a time without sudden notice again. Promise. If you want to keep tabs on me better though I suggest you find me on facebook. I'll provide the real name for those who want it.