Welcome to the very first instalment of my anti-FFF column! It won't be like FFF as I won't focus on MST'ing or commenting line-by-line. Rather, I'll mostly talk about fandom and link to works I feel go against the FFF-grain. I'll make an attempt to keep it clean, although...who knows what may slip in from time to time!

On TR and, let's face in fandom in general, I'm a bit of a controversial writer. I don't look at the world the way others do (to say the least) and I'm not afraid to explore those depths writers fear to tread. I've got a penchant for horror with the occasional moments of comedy. And, of course, the erotic stuff. I write to please myself and my friends - those who appreciate my twisted sense of humor - and that's that.

I like to think I'm difficult to pin as the kind of writer who works with one and only one genre. I don't believe writers of any stripe should be pigeonholed. That extends to my belief that in fandom people ought to be free to explore any pairing (termed 'ship') they like regardless of popularity, canon, etc. I'm of the philosophy that, if it makes a good story, why not? The works I post, whether by me or by others, will be quite of mix of styles, characters, fandoms, and everything I get my hands on. I may also talk about original published works.

Like any writer I've got favorite subjects and interests and they bleed into my work. For example, the theme of grotesque biological experimentation. It appears in my Thundercat story "Bengali's New Art" then resurfaces in my Inuyasha fanfic "Against Nature".

One of my favorite topics is the occult. I look at stuff like conspiracy as fodder for fiction. On a few occasions I figured out ways to marry occult with fanfiction. This anti-FFF is just such an example.

- The Basics -

It's an Inuyasha AU fanfic. (AU is alternate universe). You do need to know your Inuyasha canon to understand this work. In case you are unfamiliar with it, though, I offer these facts:

1) the anime is set in Feudal Era and Modern Japan; a well at the Higurashi (shinto) temple connected the two timeframes; Inuyasha and Kagome were able to travel back and forth through that well

2) the demon, Naraku, was a shapeshifter who took the form of a Feudal Era nobleman named Kagewaki; Naraku was obsessed with Kikyo (Inuyasha's Feudal Era GF and Kagome's past-life); Kikyo died in the very first episode then gets resurrected as a living clay doll by a demon

3) Kagome Higurashi, lives in a temple in Modern Japan, and is recognized as a shinto Miko (or priestess) in Feudal Japan; while it's never said explicitly I always took it to mean that she came from a long line of Shinto priests/priestesses

4) Hojo is a classmate of Kagome's who may or may not have been in love with Kagome.

Now, aside from the facts, there's another thing to know. It's not 'canon', though, it's mostly fanon. Inuyasha's family, the Tashio, is a very powerful dog demon clan. When it's portrayed in Modern Japan, invariably it's always Inuyasha's brother Sesshoumaru who's alive and in charge of a great industrial empire or something of the sort. I borrowed that fanon in the making of the story.

The story itself is pretty self-explanatory about its plot and backstory. To summarize - an American occultist and investigator of NAZI-centric conspiracy theory becomes obsessed with what the Japanese may have been working on during WWII. Along the way he uncovers experiments that could have been related to 'the Bell' of NAZI fame. I throw into this story a lot of stuff from a lot of places. The Montuak and Philadelphia Experiments. Alternate theories involving NAZI-UFO's and what the Rosewell incident could have been about. I manage to work all of this into a story involving demon Naraku's attempt to bring Kikyo back to life while working with the war time Japanese government in their quest for superweapons. It's also a horror story very much in the flair of HP Lovecraft. I consider it one of my best. Enjoy...if you can!


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