
If you haven't read Colleen "Jedisilk" Seelke's inaugural post as a card-carrying SOHB author, stop right here, scroll down, and give it a gander. I'm not going anywhere.

Thing is, I don't want to steal the spotlight, but seeing the work of my contributors on this humble little blog has inspired me, and though a sane person would be asleep at this hour, I just had to crack open my head and see what I could pour out(I don't know what that's supposed to mean, either. That's what I get for posting at 3:40 in the morning)

So here we are at Part Four of my in depth look at the world of fanfic. This one is signifigant because the species we are discussing tonight happens to frequent this very blog--Ladies and Gentlemen, SOHB presents:

( Example Specimen: http://www.toplessrobot.com/2010/07/fan_fiction_friday_sokka_in_momo_do_you_dream_of_h.php#more)

The author of this particular tale goes by the name Abraxas, and he is a textbook example of this rare and disturbing breed.

You see, most fanfic scribes couldn't put together a well constructed, thought-provoking, or engrossing work of literature to save their miserable lives. Hell, many have enough trouble with basic grammar, vocabulary,  and spelling. More importantly, most simply don't care: Telling an interesting story simply isn't part of their motivation. The other species I've described write fics for sexual titillation(their own and occasionally that of others), to shock and disgust, to express contempt for existence, and so forth. With these as your goals, possessing actual writing skills becomes totally superfluous.

Now here comes the "Evil Genius", why this title? Because these fuckers can write! Call it misplaced priorities, but these individuals actually put real talent and ability into their work--even if that work is a detailed, clinical examination of the sex life of the "Snarf"(you know, the annoying cat-lizard thing from Thundercats?)

Abraxas isn't merely a subject of scientific study, he's also a founding member of the small cadre of Topless Roboteers who became regulars here at SOHB and call themselves, in honor of a weak jest I made, the TR Superfriends. I've corresponded with him and have found him to be an individual of good character--but the appellation Evil Genius stands because he knows exactly what he's doing when he writes his fanfics. He doesn't simply transcribe an outpouring of verbal diarrhea like so many of his contemporaries--his work is always neat, perfectly constructed, and deliberately phrased. He's the Hannibal Lecter of Fanfic, and I say this with all the respect in the world.

As I was researching this article, I came upon an old comment I made concerning one of his stories--the first I ever made specifically to him, here's a sample:

"In my 33 years I've seen all manner of pornography, fetishism, erotica, and of course, fanfic. What your story--which I cannot even name without spoiling it for future readers--describes I can say honestly I've never encountered, I don't think I would even be capable of conceptualizing it."

This comment refers to a story Abraxas wrote as a deliberate attempt to top what is commonly known at TR as "The Other Story"(a fic that nearly destroyed Rob Bricken). If you'd like to read it, first of all--no you wouldn't, second, I can't bring myself to link directly to it,  so look up Abraxas' page on Adultfanfiction.com, and may God have mercy on your soul(don't worry, you'll know it when you see it).

Now knowing that this tale was specifically designed to be horrific, rather than the rantings of a madman, should've dampened the effectiveness of this piece--it didn't, it's truly that depraved.

Is Abraxas insane? Short answer: Only when he wants to be.

That should suffice.

Oh, Brax? I'd love to have you on staff here--give it some thought and let me know.




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