
So here's the deal--SOHB's got itself some regulars now.

Granted, mostly they come by to hang out and bullshit--and there's nothing at all wrong with that, don't get me wrong. But they do also read my nonsense from time to time, and through word of mouth they're likely to bring more warm bodies along to witness the magic that is The Scoot.

Ergo, I thought this might be the time to expand. Hence, I'm opening up SOHB to contributing authors.

Got a wild hair up your ass?

Something you wanna rant about?

Got some neato pictures or videos you'd like to share with our fair community?

Then come on over to the comments section and talk to me: All I need is your e-mail address so I can get you entered as an author(you'll also need to have, or be willing to start, a Google account). If you'd rather not post your address in the comments, scroll down to the "About Me" section and click on "View My Complete Profile", my e-mail is there--send me a message.

Write about whatever you like, I'm not looking for award-winning journalism--hell, it's just a blog.

I'm gonna take a second and imagine that my readers are total morons. Not that I believe this--I've nothing but trust in the intelligence of my readership. But stupid people are like roaches--you never know where they'll show up, and there's always more than one of them. With this in mind, let's go over a few simple guidelines for those who wish to contribute:

1. No hate speech--By this I mean blatant racism, sexism, homophobia, and religious or ethnic bigotry. Don't worry--I'm not a stickler for "political correctness", and I can certainly take a joke. I'll be counting on you folks to know the difference between good-natured roasting, and true malice or ignorance.

2. No pornography--At least in picture or video form(we'll talk about fanfic presently). I've no personal problem with porn, it's just not what I started this blog for. This is the internet--if porn's what you're looking for, there's(at last count) about 30 quadrillion sites to choose from, this just isn't one of them.

3. No spammers or solicitors--I'm already shilling for Amazon. You got something to sell--go to Craigslist or Ebay. There are exceptions, of course--say you found a cool t-shirt or the like, go ahead and post the link. That sort of thing's fine, since it's not you using the blog for your own profit(When I start making money doing this, maybe then we'll talk)

Concerning fanfic--Regulars know that this is a subject of interest here, indeed, at least one familiar face around here is a fanfic scribe.

So, here's the rules: You can link to whatever you like, at that point it's the reader's own funeral if he/she wants to check it out. As for what I'm willing to feature here, I reserve the right to read any fanfic before publishing. Any contributor who attempts to publish a fic before allowing me to read it will not only have his work removed, but will also be removed from the Author's List and no longer be invited to contribute.

EXCEPTION: ComicsNix is granted carte blanche to publish any goddamn thing he desires should he grant me the honor of contacting me and becoming a contributor. This may sound unfair--BUT THIS IS COMICSNIX! Whatever he writes may have serious repercussions for the future of the human race and the world as we know it! (See my expose` on the true nature of ComicsNix's work in the Archives)

What, exactly, will I refuse to publish? Truly hateful, violent, nihilistic fics will not be featured. I know this sounds kinda vague; I'll take each story on a case-by-case basis. For a better idea of what is verboten here, got to Topless Robot, and look for something called The Pokemon Story--basically, anything of that ilk will not be welcome here.

Rejected fanfic authors need not despair, though: All submissions deemed too repellent for publishing here will be forwarded to Rob Bricken at TR, and if you're "lucky", your work just might get featured on TR's vaunted Fan Fiction Friday!

That reminds me: Fanfic that is published will be presented as is. Running fanfic commentary is Rob's territory, and I cannot and will not compete with him.

So that's it. I hope some of you pick up the gauntlet, and join me in providing quality nerd-interest, left of center, freethinking editorial and entertainment content(y'know: Things what the geeky-types like!)

Scootley Whiplash


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