
Man, the fact that I remember that Pee-Wee line(pre-Big Adventure, even)is the second thing today that make me feel absurdly old.

Hi Folks! Been enjoying the work of my new contributors?

That reminds me: I didn't give Abraxas a proper shout-out when he joined the gang. Yes, the Prince of Preversion himself has deigned to share his talents with SOHB's readers. Usually, I'd use the word "talents" somewhat ironically when describing a fanfic writer--not in Abraxas' case. The twisted bastard really can write, and he's sharing with us the other side of fanfic, where talented authors and fascinating story concepts dwell. Best of luck, and many thanks to him.

Spent most of last night designing the Meditation Chamber, an arduous and demanding task--I hope everyone appreciates my selfless and painstaking efforts here in bringing them this bastion of peaceful serenity.

I also fine-tuned the Divas Page--all the names are now properly placed. Yay.

About my contributors--man, you guys are making me look pitiful!

I'm gonna have to work twice as hard now to post interesting and entertaining articles, or the inmates will take over the asylum!(this isn't one of those interesting an entertaining articles--it's a space-filling, state-of-the-blog type article)

My first SOHB Poll ended yesterday. If you'll remember, I asked you guys if the blog featured too many nerd-babe pics: 76% of you believe I either have the right amount, or not enough of such pics. So I don't think I need to worry that I've overdone it.

The new Poll asks which Sci-Fi/Fantasy series has the most attractive cast--Firefly currently has 100% of the vote. Make of that what you will.

(btw, Battlestar Galactica refers to the most recent incarnation, I'd put in a note, but you can't edit a Poll once someone has voted, you can only delete it)

Tomorrow I'll have something big and momentous for ya. Tonight, I leave you with a video inspired by a question Colleen asked me earlier, enjoy!

P.S. Colleen and Joltess successfully won their TR shirts for their tireless work on the Haiku Contest. The Halls of SOHB will be graced with their sublime forms clad in said shirts within a few weeks.

Fortunate Halls, they!

Scooty B. Goode


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