Colleen here. Well one of my favorite discoveries from the interwebs is Rifftrax. Mike Nelson decided not to disappear into retirement and started audio tracks for movies, as said at the end of each rifftrack, "that have it coming." For instance, I will NEVER watch Twilight without Rifftrax. Since its inception, Bill Corbett, better known as Crow T. Robot, and Kevin Murphy, the other robot Tom Servo, have joined Rifftrax. So we now have MST3K commentary. Goblet of Fire is particularly awesome. My favorite scene takes place right after Harry Potter's name is drawn. He's being interrogated by Dumbledore and they are all WTF'ing over this development. They look to Barty Crouch, who is sporting a Hitlerstache, regarding what the hell to do now. And so we have...

Barty Crouch looks to the side wearily "Vhy Did I ever leave mein bunker?"
The rules are absolute..." Crouch. "We must ANNEX DAS SUDETENLAND!"
The Goblet of fire constitutes a binding magical contract." Crouch. "Like the Munich agreement."
Mr Potter has no choice. He is, as of tonight..." Crouch. "Our new Fuhrer!"

Below is the link to Best of Rifftrax: Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire. You guys figure out which guy is making which Riff for the above. 2:57-3:18 has the above quotes.


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