Hello my children. Colleen here. Its time for season 2 of Sanctuary. This will also be my first attempt at using jump breaks...lets see if it actually works...

Previously on Sanctuary...

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=B7zPszfOFLc, 0:00-1:20 is the previously.

Ok now that we are all caught up, let's move onto Season 2. Somewhere in the Middle East, Helen and Ripper are trying to get information about Ashley's whereabouts. Much bribing and threatening takes place. They get some information.

Back at Sanctuary, Canada. Sometime over the break, Will and Clara became an "item." I was rather irked by this because I am rooting for Will to bend Helen over her desk, because she's AMANDA TAPPING. Clara is at England's Sanctuary house. Over webcam, the two lovebirds are whispering sweet nothings. Goddess bless Tesla for interrupting this sickening display. Also during the break, Vamp Tesla actually created a cure for the crazy-to-death virus. And I was not aware Tesla was a pathologist. Huh. And he pretty much has been wiping out Helen's wine cellar. Big Guy, in accordance with his people's traditions, is refusing to take the antidote. Fuck.

Anyway, team Sanctuary learns that the Cabal is kidnapping a group of former experimentees who have had their DNA scrubbed. Although I don't in anyway understand how this works, this allows the group to take on all of the traits that one can get from the vampire blood. They have also been chemically brain washed, like poor Ashley. She has been injected with chemicals and Vamp blood to make her the ULTIMATE WEAPON! Team Cabal's plan is to take out the Sanctuary network...which spans the entire globe.

Team Sanctuary has managed to rescue one of the former subjects. They also captured the mercenary/thief hired by the Cabal to gather one of the subjects. Her name is Kate Freelander, played by Agam Darshi. She's Indian-Canadian. She will be part of Season 2. So...
She's Pretty and tied up. At this point, she's a self-serving bitch but she gets better.

Anyway, with her help and with Wolfie Henry's computer skills they find out the PLOT to take out the Sanctuary network. Despite knowing Ashley is no longer her Ashley, Helen still asks Tesla to make a device that will disable the vamps but not kill them. Tesla is dubious.

England Sanctuary: 3/5 and Will arrive to plan how to protect the Sanctuaries from Team Cabal. Clara and Will get naked. A little while later Team Cabal attacks. Several resident abnormals and a captured abnormal that Will names "operation Exxon Valdez" and 3/5 prepare to defend themselves. They do so, it does not end well because Team Vamp led by Ashley 2.0. Tesla's device only briefly disables Team Vamp. Helen tries to reach Ashley. It doesn't work. Clara ends up getting killed. I'm not sad over this because she was annoying. But Will is sad, so Tear!

Canada Sanctuary: This is Sanctuary Uno, Helen's base of operations, so they know that this will be the most important hit. Helen gives Tesla a vial of Ashley's blood and tells him to build a device set to kill. She then tells Big Guy to stop being an idiot and take the antidote. Team Vamp attacks. By the way, the Sanctuary has an EMP field around it to prevent teleporters. It gets disabled and then re-enabled. . This is important. Oh and Big Guy did take the antidote and joined in the fight. Henry yells at him to never put him through that again. Tesla vamps and fights, while Helen uses new killing device. Eventually, Ashley corners Helen. Helen again tries to reach her. Another Vamp comes in. She attacks Helen. Ashley stops her. She looks at Helen and says "Mom." Looking very upset she teleports holding onto the other vamp. And is scattered into atoms. Fuck. Goodbye Ashley, it was nice knowing you.

Jack the Ripper and Nicholas Tesla proceed to track down the Cabal and destroy them utterly. Jack is unhappy about what happened to Ashley...so they're very affective. Thus, we don't actually hear from the Cabal this season. The rest of the season is like the first season. Finding abnormals. Kate joins Team Sanctuary and develops a conscience. Michael Shanks guest stars in an episode...and dies. But unlike Daniel Jackson, this character stays dead. Will & Helen get stranded in the middle of the ocean, with two abnormals duking it out around them. They discuss personal things and are just adorable. FUCK ALREADY DAMMIT!!!!

Tesla gets devamped by his own creation. :( But he gets a new Magneto-like power. :) Personally I think they should have kept him a Vampire. Much cooler. Moving along.

And Jack the Ripper has a new development. Apparently, in the 1880's, during mid-teleportation, he gets an energy-creature that is quite murderous attached to him. Sometime in season 2, Jack was back to being murderous, but then was electrocuted...This sent the creature out of him and into the Sanctuary network. Again, it's a murderous bastard of a creature and proceeds to use the Sanctuary systems to fuck with everyone. To save everyone, Jack makes the creature go back into him. He leaves, but not before telling Helen that he still loves her. Oh Shut Up, Jack. Leave Helen alone to be shagged senseless by Will.

The big ordeal involves an abnormal called "Big Bertha." This abnormal has the ability to alter the physical world. Like make Islands and cause Tsunamis and stuff. She was put to sleep by Helen, who told the rest of the Sanctuary that Big Bertha was dead. This will bite everyone in the ass in season finale.

So in the season finale, some Indian dude is running from Brits. He vomits up a spider and hides it in a shrine to Kali. Then gets shot by the British guy who wants the spider. Also, around the world, loads of Abnormals who are sensitive to the magnetic forces of the Earth go ape-shit. This is because Big Bertha is now awake.

Learning about the guy who vomitted up the Spider (that part they were unaware of) who died, Will Z & Kate are sent to the Indian Sanctuary House. While at the crime scene, Will does his Sherlock Holmes thing and notices that the shrine has been manipulated. He opens it up and grabs a weird statue...Later that night, while Will is asleep, the spider crawls from the Statue and into Will's mouth. A lot of exposition later, the Spider is attached to a secret order devoted to Kali the Destroyer. Will becomes the new messenger to Kali...who is actually big Bertha. She's a huge Spider in reality...but when contacted by her messenger she is a hottie...check it out. I will refer to the big spider as Bertha and the human guise as Kali forthwith.

Bertha Kali Naked Kali
I can see why Kali chose the second form to contact her messengers...she's pretty...VERY.
Anyway, bad British dude finds out who has the spider, kidnaps Will and uses some EMP thingy to get the spider. The problem is once the spider is inside you, to lose it will kill ya. Poor Will.

So anyway, Will gets sick but still can contact Kali. The last remaining members of the Kali sect explain WTF is happening to Will. Helen is very concerned about her Boy being ill. And angsting over not screwing him while she had the chance, I'm sure. Best Hallucination: Naked time with Kali. She tells Will if he can't find her to do a dance...no, really.

So British Guy has also captured the Order. The old lady tells him that he cannot force a connection to Kali. British guy tells her he's studied how to connect for years. He also refers to Kali as Bertha so he really doesn't get the spiritual aspects. So, through the spider, he tells Bertha to make an Island Chain, so that the prophecy of "the End of Days" may occur. Why he wants to do this is unspecified.

Bertha starts making land. Meanwhile, the Sanctuary network is rather pissed off at Helen for NOT telling them that Bertha was still alive. They sent a rather douche-baggy head of house to make sure that Helen actually kills Bertha this time.

India: Will, in a very entertainingly Feverish state, is running through the streets, calling out for Kali. Kate and Head of India House are looking for him. They are bonding over being Indian. Anyway, Will hears some traditional music and remembers the dance to contact Kali. He starts to dance. In his hallucination, he gets a whole mess of back-up dancers. The dance cuts back between the hallucination of a group dance and the reality of Will dancing by himself.

Meanwhile, Helen and Henry, with a device to knock-out Bertha, are in a helicopter and douche-bag, on a ship, all are seeking out Bertha. They find her and the ship that has British bad guy on it.

Cut scenes between Team Sanctuary, British guy focusing on Bertha, and Will dancing.

Kali is pleased with the dance. British dude starts losing his connection to Bertha. Kate and other Indian appears on the scene. Will tells her to stop making the Islands because the displacement of Ocean will kill millions. Kali is rather unperturbed by this. Helen orders Henry to shoot the EMP device at British guy. This knocks him out. Bertha is quiet. Helen thinks that's the end of it. Douche bag orders the ship to use depth charges to take Bertha out. Too bad because until then it looked like Will was reaching Kali.

However, Bertha is only injured. Will is alarmed when Kali bends over in pain. Kali's eyes go all black and she cries "You betrayed me!" Will drops to the ground, looking like he has a seizure. Kate and Indian are quite alarmed.

Helen returns to the ship, really, really pissed. Douche-bag tells her that due to her betrayal and once again failing to kill Bertha, he is now in charge. And, Helen is now to be placed in custody for charges pending. Helen is shocked. She tells him he doesn't know what he's doing. He says he did what was necessary to save lives. A klaxon sounds. Helen: "NO, Terence, this is what you have DONE!

British guy by now has woke up and goes outside. We hear inhuman screams. "Oh, she's mad."
Only the British could understate something of this magnitude.

Bertha is on one of the Islands, screaming. Some kind of charge flows out of her, causing a tidal wave. A REALLY FUCKING BIG ONE. We pan out to a bird's eye view of a mess of land masses...that will all be hit by the tidal wave. She's not called Kali the Destroyer for nothing.

To Be Continued...

As a bonus, here's the last ten minutes of the season finale. Yes, Stargate: Atlantis fans, that's Dr. Beckett.

End Season 2. Maybe Helen and Will screw in Season 3. Though I doubt it.


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