My name is Zortt1, I come from the American-MidWest, am 22 years old, and been a regular poster on TR for the past two years. I guess I've been come to be known for witty and insightful responses to topics in the TR comment sections and my main claim to fame is that I won a t-shirt for writing a fable in the Nerd Law contest. I do have twitter, facebook, and all that interconnecting information waves that the world revolves around with today. On Fridays, I play to do a write up on my favorite films. (I made a list of 50 that define who I am as a person and I will gladly share them with you to enjoy.) And with the new TV season upon us, I'll throw up some thoughts on the new episodes of my favorite television shows.

As a beginning and an intro to who I am and my interests, I have decided to put up a Top 5 list of random bits about myself. Stories are what I look for in my life, along with experiences. So here's 5 random bits about myself that you can chew on and ask about later in the comments.


5. Why Zortt?

The most common question. I've grown up with the internet, granted we didn't have it when it was pay by the hour and each page looked like one giant moving GIF file. We jumped on the bandwagon when it was 56K and I've been trolling about ever since. Zortt comes from "Zort!" one of the onomatopoeia expression Pinky says on Pinky and the Brain. I added an extra T to make it more internet friendly. Its completely original and as far as I know, if you do a search for it on google with the two "T"'s its probably me. Bonus fact about that: I can recall the first time I used the handle was renaming the main character in Final Fantasy 7. Subsequently, I renamed the next character Bobz. Did I finish playing Final Fantasy 7? Nope. Never finished one of those games and don't particularly care for them.

. Interests? Got any?

This is like asking m
e if you like food? or Music? Of course I do. I greatly enjoy playing xbox 360, reading and collecting comics, collecting action figures, working on my computer, and especially love going to the movies. I don't care what it costs, I'll go to the movies every weekend if I could afford it. I also enjoy reading Shakespeare, political discourses, and film analysis. However, I do shy away from fiction stories unless I know the story is really, really good. Story is key to anything for me. If it keeps me entertained with a good story, then I'm a happy camper.

I'm a big gamer, board and video. My current fascination is my third run through of Mass Effect 1 and 2. Bonus Fact: When I met Kevin Conroy, I totally had him sign the paper cover of my Arkham Asylum video game. Super, super nice guy.

3. Family? School?

I still live at home with my parents, but its ok. Since I'm an only child, I have free run of the basement in which I live. Don't think I'm like that guy from VH1 who had it all decked out and had a constant stream of ladies going down there. I'm kind of a recluse, due to complete lack of time to have a social life. The folks are good people. Would I like a change, yes of course, but I don't have the means to do it. Besides, who's going to take care of the dog?

I went off to college a few years ago and then lost my way. Funny thing was I was studying to work in politics, I went with the intention of becoming a human rubber stamp for the government and working in the bureaucracy. Alas, I felt disillusioned with the whole thing and then my grades suffered and they told me to get out. Now I'm training to be a web developer. Is that what I've always envisioned myself doing, nah, probably not. I always kind of wanted to be an actor, but I can make decent money being a developer so things will work out in the end I think.

2. Comics you say? Which are your favorites?

I have been a life long Batman fan. I grew up with the 89 film, then I found Adam West's Batman show, and then the Animated Series came and from then on it was all I could do. I lived and breathed Batman. I've collected all the Batman comics I can. Comics of note that I own is the individual copies of the 4 part series Death in the Family. The one where Robin is killed by the fans, I mean the Joker. That particular comic I own, has the hard to find now actual telephone number you call to vote to have Robin killed. I also collect The Flash, Avengers (all incarnations), Justice League, Green Arrow, The Question, Nova, Dr. Strange, and Captain America. I also collect anything that has a villain as the focus (current run of Action Comics is an example of this. If you haven't picked it up, its AMAZING). Another comic of note that I own is an original Jack Kirby drawn, Stan Lee written Fantastic Four #42. It has Black Bolt on the cover and is bright red. Rough shape, but still awesome find.

1. Any loves of your life?

As Columbus says in Zombieland, "Virginity, perfectly justifiable to speculate." I have dated a few women, but nothing that stuck or nothing special to write on. With the conversations about Nerd Love and nerdy girls, the most nerd girls around here (and keep in mind I live in a small town) are actually kind of disgusting or ones that I would like to pursue are dating a scumbag. I've had better luck venturing about into other towns and areas, but nothing has really worked. I have faith that it will happen sometime, but am I actively pursuing anything anymore? Not really. Just let it happen. It will.

So there's 5 nuggets about me that help shape who I am for you, I guess. I'll have a post about the first film in my top 50 on Friday.


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