Mana Drain, Brand Whore
Okay, a two piece blog today, you deserve it after having to re-read previous blogs for so long…. Here I am imagining talking to a substantial crowd while all of my page views come from the same 4 people, hahaha.
Mana Drain
Last Saturday, as announced I was doing short readings at the World Summer Festival. From the moment the doors opened till the moment the “fair” closed and the only thing left to do was Salsa dancing (yes Salsa dancing) I have had only one 15 minute break to get some food inside of me. Other then those 15 minutes I have been reading back to back. From skeptics to tarot fanatics, from laughter about career switches to tears for loved ones passed away, it was one hell of a rollercoaster ride for which I am thankful. However the whole experience did leave me thoroughly drained and gave me, next to some nice earnings, a roaring headache which up till now has not lost any of it’s enthusiasm.
Okay, a two piece blog today, you deserve it after having to re-read previous blogs for so long…. Here I am imagining talking to a substantial crowd while all of my page views come from the same 4 people, hahaha.
Mana Drain
Last Saturday, as announced I was doing short readings at the World Summer Festival. From the moment the doors opened till the moment the “fair” closed and the only thing left to do was Salsa dancing (yes Salsa dancing) I have had only one 15 minute break to get some food inside of me. Other then those 15 minutes I have been reading back to back. From skeptics to tarot fanatics, from laughter about career switches to tears for loved ones passed away, it was one hell of a rollercoaster ride for which I am thankful. However the whole experience did leave me thoroughly drained and gave me, next to some nice earnings, a roaring headache which up till now has not lost any of it’s enthusiasm.
Presenting ourselves as Team Ixani was also quite a success, I believe we came across as a sort of spiritual “The A-team” though I am not yet sure if I was Face or Murdock. I do however recognize Anja’s ( Ixani owner ) face as that of Hanibal when he says “I love it when a plan comes together”. It was awesome, you should have been there, realizing that 70% of my readers comes from far abroad I know how this is not very realistic of me…
Brand Whoring
If there’s one thing I can’t stand it’s paying extra for clothing or accessories because of a brand name prominently defacing the item. I can remember when I went to high school and I accidentally came into the possession of a pair of Levi’s, I immediately ripped (well I cut it, but rip sounds more dramatic giving a better description of the accompanying emotion) of any form of little red label indicating the jeans brand. I am willing to pay and even pay a lot for quality and yes some brands do stand for a certain standard but that’s in no way a rule. Other then that I do so hate to conform as people close to me know all to well. Having to abide to a certain common dress code to feels like authority deciding about my personal style… needless to explain authority and Sidney rarely find compromise.

Not too long ago I was completely baffled by a colleague of mine, she proudly showed me her sunglasses, which she wears on her head degrading it’s function of protecting your eyes to common headband. It was a Rayban costing roughly the same as a weekend abroad dinner and breakfast paid. I asked her what the appeal of the glasses was, I couldn’t find it… she said: “well, they’re Raybans?!”.
Now I buy what I like, though I may be a style rebel in heart and soul, I have found that completely by accident I have bought some gear that have seriously known brands… So there I was on my way to work this morning, judging everybody for their choice to cover themselves in labels while wearing Stuka pants, Skull Candy headphones and VANS sneakers. Even though the ensemble cost me no more then 25€ I feel cheap for wearing brands… This off course I explain to everybody asking me if stukka and vans are “my” brands, especially Rayban girl.
Sidney’s personal style consists of the following brands: Aderlass, Raven, Stuka, Skull Candy,Alchemy, Saint Justin, Reebok, Vans and Microsoft Xbox. ;-)