It seems that either I or my no-PhD-no-MD-doppelganger will be appearing in Justice Society of America.

Based on the garish colors, misuse of metallics, and truly atrocious hair, I can only assume that it is not I but rather that insipid MBA. I am truly disappointed to find that he survived his last encounter with the Blue Beetle.

I had hoped he might suffer some sort of debilitating injury or accident that would lead to his demise or abandonment of the moniker that is rightfully mine.

Still, I am not terribly concerned. As long as there is a Mister Polaris running around the stage is set for a classic comic cliffhanger. Consider:

The scene: a city street. A pathetic MBA does battle with the JSA. Without a medical degree is is outmatched by Doctor Mid-Nite. He is defeated. The Flash ties him up and the rest of the team prepares to retire to their mansion for "egg-creams." Someone says something intended to be witty such as "well, that ties up Doctor Polaris." To the team's surprise the foolish MBA is then crushed by two tons of steel.

Splash page: Doctor Polaris appears. "Fools!" he says. "I am Doctor Polaris!"

To be continued.

Wouldn't you rather read that?


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