
I have been stumbling upon the most A~mazing gowns and images lately. I had to stop myself from eye~candy overload! I couldn't help to think, what if Marie Antoinette lived now. Would she be a fashionista today? Of course she would!!! Look at how she inspires so many even now.


I am loving this Valentino gown. How amazing and beautiful is the back!?! Wow! A girl should look just as ravishing going as she does arriving! :) The color is my favorite.

I just could not help but to fall in love with this image. The walls, the beautiful little chair, the colors, the fabrics, the whimsy, that ceiling! I could get lost.


Oh my! Oh my! Look at those shoes, and the hats! The hat with the bows is just darling and those sleeves! I so appreciate the vision and the exquisite detail these designers give us. I could take a nap on all those layers and yards of silk :)


The bodice inspired by that oh~so~famous necklace is truly incredible! I'm in love! I'm like a bird...anything shiny catches my eye.

Inspired in so many ways! The background is so pretty too.

I tried to get this pic bigger for you with no luck. Still, a gorgeous image. The shape and the color are worthy of MA!
I have more for you next time! It has been a grueling week as I am still preparing my big surprise for you! Have a fabulous and stylish (long) weekend!


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