UK based Brolliesgalore

Bonjour friends! I hope everybody had a lovely holiday weekend. I spent the day with my family and could not feel any more lucky. It was beautiful, thanks to all who sent Mother's Day wishes my way :)

My Vintage Vogue

For some reason, I have been stumbling upon images of parasols, and finding vintage parasols, hey, even my drinks have tiny umbrellas in them! So, I wanted to share with you some of these cute pics I've been finding. Enjoy!

My Vintage Vogue

Whether used for function or fashion, I think they are fantastic! What a fun accessory. I was reading up on some Parasol facts and found a very long history attached to them.


Across the ages and all over the world they have been used for their beauty as much as to keep the sun off of delicate skin. From the ancient Romans to the Victorians and all spaces between the parasol has been an integral accessory.

Source unknown

There are so many beautiful images out there it was hard to choose! I found some incredibly beautiful vintage parasols too. Interestingly, I found a plethora of Victorian mourning parasols (who knew)?


Marie Antoinette used to have a group of servants whose only responsibility was to hold her parasol and make sure she was adequately shaded!


I think this image of the girl on the bicycle is my favorite


I'm a very strange girl, in that, I do not like to use umbrellas in the rain. I always feel like they make more of mess. They are wet when you bring them in with you and they rarely keep me dry, so I just dash around without one. Living in California doesn't really warrant the need for one very often so I can't imagine myself using a parasol in dry weather! They are fun to look at though. Maybe in another time I would have had the prettiest one as I was chauffeured along in my carriage, holding it with the softest and thinnest of kid skin gloves as I went calling on all the fashionable girls!

Until next time my friends!!!


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