Some random bits of inspiration from my desktop today. Enjoy...

The above image is from Dancing Doc Design. Could you think of a better place to be right now!?!
From Domino :( I just love the vibrant colors and the composition of the photo. That dress hanging on the wall is amazing!!!

Ohhhh Laduree!!! How my heart (or should I say stomach) yearns for a macaron from your legendary establishment! Why is everything that is Laduree so beautiful? It's from another time completely. Imagine another time when everyday things were of quality and times were more simple and pretty. Image via Flickr

Am I crazy or is the wall covering a copy of Marie Antoinette's Turkish boudoir in Fontainebleau??? What a wild coincidence, I just did a post on it yesterday and I've had this photo sitting around for months but never noticed.

Something has me drawn to parasols and umbrellas lately. I just love this image and I love the idea for a party. So easy, so chic! I think I'll do a post very soon on parasols, I have some images that are wildly beautiful!

I don't know why but I always wished I could have pulled off being a Red head part time. Unfortunately, I do not have the skin tone to even attempt it but I do love the look on others. So classic, unique, and stunning.

Finally, This dress that to me resembles the petals of a Peony. I adore it. If I could choose a different dress to have been wed would be this one. Scrumptious!
That's all for today, sorry for the short and quick post! Have a wonderful day!!!


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