The writer of the upcoming Batgirl series appears to be some guy named Bryan Q. Miller. Sounds like a pseudonym to me, but hey.

I often wonder exactly how the major companies seize upon new writers. A lot of it seems to come via television. A great many of the current stock of writers on both sides of the street got their start in television. Or even the movies. You've got a smaller group that seem to have come via prose, but other than that...

I imagine a lot of it comes down to who you know. We know that the current writer of Supergirl, Sterling Gates more or less got a shot at writing comics because he knew Geoff Johns. And Geoff Johns got a start because he was working for Richard Donner. At least that's how I remember it.

It's all about the networking. That's true in pretty much every field an occupation. I know that part of the reason why I've got what I've got for the fall (more on that at a later date) because of who I know.

So what hope is there for those who aren't "connected"? What about those people who want to write comics for the Big Two but don't know anybody? Well, I don't know. And luckily I'm eccentric and don't want to work for them. But I imagine it's like anything else: hard work, practice, and a lotta luck.

Hmm, this post was supposed to be about Batgirl. Let me just say that I'll definitely pick it up for a few issues. I'm willing to give this "B. Q. Miller" a chance. After all, another unknown with an obviously fake name has worked out pretty well on another "girl" title...


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